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The National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research (NACHGR) advises the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), on genetics, genomic research, training and programs related to the human genome initiative.

NACHGR performs second-level peer review for grant applications and determines the program priorities for NHGRI and the goals for the government's efforts in the International Human Genome Project (HGP). NACHGR meets three times a year.

NACHGR Charter (2024-2026)

NACHGR Roster (September 2024)


Council Advisory Members

NACHGR Advisors pictured from left to right: Eric Green, Lynn Jorde, Timothy Reddy, Peter Robinson, Gail Jarvik, Iftikhar Kullo, Nancy Cox, Laura Bierut and Rudy Pozzatti.  Not pictured: Kyle Brothers, Howard Chang, Judy Cho, Lisa Parker, Len Pennacchio and Olga Troyanskya.

Latest Meeting

September 9, 2024

Closed Executive Session: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Open Session: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

September 10, 2024

Closed Session: 10:00 a.m. - Adjourn

All times in ET

Agenda and Documents

Upcoming Meetings

Meeting DateDate/Times
Feb. 10-11, 2025Feb. 10: Closed Executive Session: TBD
Open Session: TBD
Feb. 11: Closed Session: TBD 

May 19-20, 2025May 19: Closed Executive Session: TBD
Open Session: TBD
May 20: Closed Session: TBD
Sept. 15-16, 2025Sept. 15: Closed Executive Session: TBD
Open Session: TBD
Sept. 16: Closed Session: TBD
Feb. 9-10, 2026Feb. 9: Closed Executive Session: TBD
Open Session: TBD
Feb. 10: Closed Session: TBD
May 18-19, 2026May 18: Closed Executive Session: TBD
Open Session: TBD
May 19: Closed Session: TBD
Sept. 28-29, 2026Sept. 28: Closed Executive Session: TBD
Open Session: TBD
Sept. 29: Closed Session: TBD

In-person Advisory Council meetings take place at the following location:

6700B Rockledge Drive
Suite 1100
Bethesda, MD 20871

Working Groups

The council has established a series of working groups to provide more in-depth exploration and recommendations regarding complex issues facing the field of genomics. 


Jennifer Troyer
Jennifer L. Troyer, Ph.D.
  • Director
  • Division of Extramural Operations
Comfort Browne
Comfort W. Browne
  • Program Specialist
  • Division of Extramural Operations

Last updated: February 10, 2025