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Short Course in Genomics

The NHGRI Short Course in Genomics offers science educators the opportunity to hear lectures and receive teaching resources from leading researchers, clinicians and staff. Topics include complex diseases, sequencing technologies, brain and behavior, bioinformatics, gene editing, the human microbiome and ethical issues in genomics research.

The Education and Community Involvement (ECIB) Branch within NHGRI is offering its annual NHGRI Short Course in Genomics from July 16-19, 2024. 


This course is designed to support middle and high school teachers, and community college faculty teaching science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine (STEMM) courses at institutions with a documented record or mission of recruiting, educating and graduating students from backgrounds underrepresented in the scientific workforce and that have not received significant recent funding from NIH.

The course will include lectures and discussions with experts, hands-on activities and demonstrations, wet-lab and computational activities, and networking opportunities aimed at helping educators enhance genomics in their teaching practice. Alumni from the short course are encouraged to continue working with NHGRI staff and other alumni to develop new curricular resources and teaching tools in the future.

View the agenda from 2023



The 2024 Short Course in Genomics course will be in person at the NIH Campus in Bethesda, Maryland. Please indicate in your application whether you would require travel assistance (airfare, lodging, etc.) to participate fully. Travel support may or may not be provided as budget allows. 


Participants are expected to attend the full course. Spots are limited, so please be considerate of others and do not apply if you unable to commit to the full course.  

How to Apply

The application is closed.

Video Kit

In this video, Belen Hurle, Ph.D., education outreach specialist in NHGRI's Education and Community Involvement Branch, illustrates how to assemble a paper-based CRISPR-Cas9 kit for a hands-on CRISPR technology demonstration. Model is adapted from Origami Organelles™ CRISPR 00-031, ©2017 Discovering DNA Ltd.

Microbiome Lesson Plans

The microbiome lesson plans - consisting of four modules - were inspired by lectures and resources on the microbiome offered at NHGRI's Short Course in Genomics. 

View Lesson Plans
Gut bacteria


Donna Messersmith Jones, Ph.D.
Donna Messersmith, Ph.D.
  • Provider Education Specialist
  • Education and Community Involvement Branch
Rosann N. Wise, M.A.
Rosann N. Wise, M.A.
  • Program Analyst
  • Division of Policy, Communications, and Education

Questions or Comments?

Please contact us with any questions at NHGRIShortCourse@mail.nih.gov.


Last updated: April 1, 2024