Last updated: August 20, 2013
DNA Kit and Science Museum Activities

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This page has been archived and is provided for historical reference purposes only. The content and links are no longer maintained and may now be outdated.DNA Kit and Science Museum Activities
For the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the description of the DNA double helix, The Science Museum of Minnesota [] with help from the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) [] and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), developed a kit designed for science centers and museums, providing them with DNA demonstrations and hands-on experiments involving genetics and genomics.
Through an application process, 30 museums from 20 states nationwide were chosen to receive a kit. Each museum used the kit in a variety of ways including: outreach to school groups; use in learning camps; demonstrations at local sites; and in on-going workshops and classes for adults and children.
The kit was designed for hands-on demonstrations and programming on the museum floor.
Activities in the kit include:
- DNA model building.
- DNA extraction from wheat germ.
- DNA electrophoresis, sequencing simulation, sequence analysis and examination of genetic traits.