Last updated: August 25, 2015
ENCODE Workshop, April 2015, Keystone Symposia
ENCODE Workshop, April 2015, Keystone Symposia
On April 1st, 2015, the ENCODE consortium held a workshop at the Keystone Symposia on Epigenomics and DNA Methylation. This workshop was intended for both the beginner and advanced ENCODE users.
First, we illustrated how to use the ENCODE portal website, including how to browse, search and download ENCODE data. We also introduced the ENCODE analysis pipeline and the REST APIs. We explained the ENCODE element annotations and its query website. Next, we presented chromosomal annotation (ChromHMM) and epigenome imputation. Finally, we illustrated how the ENCODE data can help us hypothesize the causal variants underlying disease and cancer.
Agenda and Resources
All files are in format.
2015 Keystone ENCODE Workshop
Bing Ren, University of California, San Diego
Presentation: ENCODE Overview
Seth Strattan, Stanford University
Presentation: Interactive Workshop on ENCODE Portal
Feng Yue, Pennsylvania State University
Presentation: Interactive Workshop on ENCODE Elements and Resources (such as HaploReg and RegulomeDB)
Jason Ernst, University of California, Los Angeles
Presentation: Chromatin State and Imputation
Manolis Kellis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Presentation: Epigenomics of Common, Rare, and Somatic Variants Underlying Disease and Cancer
(Presentation not available at this time.)
For questions or more information contact:
Michael Pazin, Ph.D.
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