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Genome Statute and Legislation Database

The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is comprised of state statutes and bills introduced during the 2002-2024 U.S. state legislative sessions.


The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is reviewed and updated monthly. Searchable topics in the database include employment and insurance discrimination, health insurance coverage, privacy, research, the use of residual newborn screening specimens and other topics of interest.

Definitions of terms such as "bill", "statute", and "regulation" are available through the Glossary of Statutory, Legislative, and Regulatory Terms.

For other helpful links and legislative databases, please see Additional Resources.

State Primary Link Topic(s) Bill Status Summary
Nevada Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill requires health insurers to comply with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Measure failed.

Nevada Employment Nondiscrimination, Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy Enacted

This bill requires health insurers to comply with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Signed by the Governor May 29, 2009.

New York Research Died

This bill regulates the use of human subjects for medical research and experimentation, including subjects with mental disorders and children. Measure failed.

New York Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits denial, cancellation or alteration of a life or disability insurance policy or group life or disability insurance policy, including renewals, on the basis of any genetic testing performed on an insured, applicant or family member of insured or applicant. Measure failed.

New York Health Insurance Coverage Died

This bill requires accident and health insurance policies to cover the cost of genetic testing of persons with a family history of cancer when the attending physician determines such person has a significant risk of cancer. Measure failed.

New York Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits the use of genetic information for community rating to develop small group health insurance premiums. The bill also prohibits pre-existing condition exclusions in small group health insurance policies based on genetic predisposition. Measure failed.

New York Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits group or blanket policies that cover 51 or more employees for hospital, medical, major medical, or similar type comprehensive coverage from excluding members or dependents or establishing rates based on predisposing genetic characteristics. The bill also prohibits health insurers from requiring or using tests for or information about predisposing genetic characteristics for underwriting. The same restrictions are imposed upon hospital service corporations, health services corporation and medical expense indemnity corporations covering 51 or more employees. Measure failed.

New York Employment Nondiscrimination, Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill creates the genetics advisory council. The council, if created, will study and make recommendations on various issues, including unfair discrimination by employers and insurers. Measure failed.

New York Employment Nondiscrimination, Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill creates the genetics advisory council. The council, if created, will study and make recommendations on various issues, including unfair discrimination by insurers and employers. Measure failed.

New York Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits group or blanket policies that cover 51 or more employees for hospital, medical, major medical, or similar type comprehensive coverage from excluding members or dependents or establishing rates based on predisposing genetic characteristics. The bill also prohibits health insurers from requiring or using tests for or information about predisposing genetic characteristics for underwriting. The same restrictions are imposed upon hospital service corporations, health services corporation and medical expense indemnity corporations covering 51 or more employees. Measure failed.

New York Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

his bill prohibits the use of genetic information for community rating to develop small group health insurance premiums. The bill also prohibits pre-existing condition exclusions in small group health insurance policies based on genetic predisposition. Measure failed.

North Carolina Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill requires health benefit plans and insurers to comply with all applicable standards of Public Law 110-233, known as the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, as amended by Public Law 110-343, and as further amended. Signed by the Governor July 31, 2009.

Ohio Health Insurance Coverage Died

This bill prohibits individual or group accident and sickness insurers from excluding coverage for the screening and diagnosis of autism, including genetic testing. Measure failed.

Oregon Privacy Enacted

This bill amends the state genetic privacy law by designating the Oregon Health Authority (previously the Department of Health and Human Services) as the body responsible for certain provisions of the law. Signed by the Governor June 26, 2009.

Virginia Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits the treatment of genetic information as a preexisting condition in basic health insurance plans in the absence of a diagnosis of the condition related to such information. Measure failed.

West Virginia Employment Nondiscrimination, Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy, Research Died

This bill creates the Genetic Information privacy Act. Genetic testing and genetic information derived from testing may be released only to the individual tested or people specifically given written authorization to receive the information by the individual. Accident and health insurers may not request or seek information derived from genetic testing. If the federal government or others propose guidelines, the bill authorizes the insurance commissioner to propose rules to authorize further disclosure of information derived from genetic testing for insurance purposes beyond what is permitted in the legislation. The bill requires employers to treat information derived from genetic testing in a manner consistent with federal law, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Exclusions under the definition of genetic testing includes research governed by the Common Rule, tests conducted purely for research, tests for somatic as opposed to heritable mutations, tests where direct personal identifiers that reveal the patients identity are encoded or encrypted and tests that are composed of de-identified or anonymized information. Penalties for violations are set forth. Measure failed.

Wisconsin Employment Nondiscrimination Died

This bill allows a person discriminated against or the department of workforce development under the state fair employment practices law to bring an action in circuit court. Measure failed.

Wisconsin Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill amends statute section 631.89 (2) (bm) related to requesting or requiring genetic information from health care providers by amending the definition of covered providers to include providers as defined in section 146.81 (a) to (p). Report approved by the Governor with partial veto June 26, 2009 (section pertaining to genetic testing unaffected by partial veto)

Arizona Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits health care service organizations from imposing pre-existing condition limitations or exclusions. Genetic conditions in the absence of a diagnosis related to the condition are not considered pre-existing conditions and may not result in a pre-existing condition limitation or exclusion. Measure failed.

Arizona Privacy Enacted

The bill establishes the right of parents to consent in writing before any record of the minor child's blood or deoxyribonucleic acid is created, stored or shared, with some exceptions such as for newborn screening. Signed by the Governor May 10, 2010.

California Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill requires carriers and health care service plans offering plan contracts in the individual market, other than individual grandfathered plan coverage, to offer to the responsible party for a child coverage for the child that does not exclude or limit coverage due to any preexisting condition of the child. A health care service plan may not condition the issuance or offering of individual coverage on certain factors, including genetic information. Signed by the Governor on September 30, 2010.

California Research Enacted

This bill amends existing law on the protection of human subjects, which provides an exemption until January 1, 2011 for any medical experimental treatment that benefits a patient subject to a life-threatening emergency if prescribed conditions are met. This bill provides that this exemption remains in effect until January 1, 2014. Signed by the Governor July 15, 2010.

Colorado Privacy Enacted

This bill amends section 10-3-1104.6 of the statutes by modifying a provision on limitations on disclosure of genetic information. The list of public health entities exempt from limitations on disclosure when conducting certain activities is reworded to include county, district or municipal public health agencies. Signed by the Governor on June 10, 2010.

Florida Employment Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits appointments, terminations, assignments, and maintenance of status, compensation, privileges and other terms and conditions of employment in the state personnel system based on genetic information. Measure failed.

Florida Employment Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits appointments, terminations, assignments, and maintenance of status, compensation, privileges and other terms and conditions of employment in the state personnel system based on genetic information. Measure failed.

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1160

Additional Resources

Cornell Legal Information Institute
This website allows users to search for Federal and state laws and regulations. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include regulations.

LawSeqSM Database
Developed at the University of Minnesota and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, this database allows users to search federal and state statutes, regulations, and reported judicial decisions. The database allows searches by jurisdiction (federal, state, and individuals states), source type, topic, and open text. This resource was developed by a project funded by NHGRI and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on “LawSeqSM: Building a Sound Legal Foundation for Translating Genomics into Clinical Application” (grant #: R01HG008605; Susan M. Wolf,. Ellen Wright Clayton, and Frances Lawrenz, principal investigators). The team keeps this database up to date.

National Society of Genetic Counselors
To find information about state genetic counselor licensing laws, visit the National Society of Genetic Counselors’ website. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include state laws related to genetic counseling. 

Last updated: February 8, 2024