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Genome Statute and Legislation Database

The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is comprised of state statutes and bills introduced during the 2002-2024 U.S. state legislative sessions.


The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is reviewed and updated monthly. Searchable topics in the database include employment and insurance discrimination, health insurance coverage, privacy, research, the use of residual newborn screening specimens and other topics of interest.

Definitions of terms such as "bill", "statute", and "regulation" are available through the Glossary of Statutory, Legislative, and Regulatory Terms.

For other helpful links and legislative databases, please see Additional Resources.

State Primary Link Topic(s) Bill Status Summary
Maine Privacy Died

Establishes consumer rights with respect to personal information collected by a business. Personal information includes biometric information. Biometric information is defined to include deoxyribonucleic acid. Died Between Houses, Jun 2, 2021.

Maine Employment Nondiscrimination Enacted

Conforms the Maine Apprenticeship Program to the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972. Requires a posting of statement that the apprentice will be accorded equal opportunity in all phases of apprenticeship employment and training, without discrimination because of various factors, including genetic information. 6/8/21 Signed by the Governor. Effective 90 days after adjournment (March 30, 2021).

Maryland Other Topics Died

Requires the Maryland Department of Health to do the following: (1) by January 1, 2023, develop gene sequence and customer screening guidelines for gene synthesis providers and manufacturers of gene synthesis equipment that include certain requirements; (2) develop a process to certify that gene synthesis providers and manufacturers of gene synthesis equipment are in compliance with the guidelines requiring, on or after January 1, 2024, the Department to certify certain gene synthesis providers and equipment manufacturers. Gene synthesis provider does not include a research scientist making gene synthesis products for the research scientist's own use or for use by another research scientist. In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor. Died.

Maryland Privacy Died

Amends statute requiring a business that maintains personal information of an individual residing in the State to implement and maintain certain security procedures and practices. The bill adds the following to the definition of personal information: genetic information with respect to an individual, including the genetic sample of an individual; the genetic test of an individual; the genetic test of an individual's family member; the manifestation of a disease or disorder in a family member of an individual; any request for and receipt of genetic counseling, or genetic education; and any information derived from genetic information with respect to an individual. In the Senate - First Reading Finance. Died.

Maryland Privacy Died

Requires certain private entities in possession of biometric identifiers or biometric information to develop a written policy, made available to the public, establishing a certain retention schedule and guidelines for permanently destroying biometric identifiers and biometric information. Biometric identifier is defined to includes a genetic print. The bill defines confidential and sensitive to include a genetic marker and genetic testing information. In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor. Died.

Maryland Other Topics, Privacy Enacted

This bill establishes that a certain forensic genetic genealogical DNA analysis and search may not be initiated without certifying certain information before a court and obtaining a certain authorization from the court; prohibits certain biological samples subjected to certain forensic genetic genealogical profile analysis to be used to determine certain information about a certain donor; requires the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to produce a certain annual report; etc.

Maryland Other Topics Died

Alters the definition of "practice pharmacy" to include the ordering and administering of certain laboratory tests. Requires the State Board of Pharmacy, on or before January 1, 2022, to adopt regulations authorizing a pharmacist to order and administer laboratory tests, without a written, oral or electronically transmitted prescription from an authorized prescriber that measure biomarkers, including deoxyribonucleic acid.

Maryland Privacy Died

Amends statute requiring a business that maintains personal information of an individual residing in the State to implement and maintain certain security procedures and practices. The bill adds the following to the definition of personal information: genetic information with respect to an individual, including the genetic sample of an individual; the genetic test of an individual; the genetic test of an individual's family member; the manifestation of a disease or disorder in a family member of an individual; any request for and receipt of genetic counseling, or genetic education; and any information derived from genetic information with respect to an individual. In the Senate - Hearing 2/10 at 1:00 p.m. Died.

Maryland Privacy Died

Requires certain private entities in possession of biometric identifiers or biometric information to develop a written policy, made available to the public, establishing a certain retention schedule and guidelines for permanently destroying biometric identifiers and biometric information. Biometric identifier is defined to includes a genetic print. The bill defines confidential and sensitive to include a genetic marker and genetic testing information. In the Senate - Hearing 1/27 at 1:00 p.m. Died.

Maryland Privacy Died

Amends the statute requiring certain units of State government to employ reasonable security procedures and practices. Proposed changes to the law include altering the definition of biometric information by removing the term genetic print and adding an individual's DNA to the definition. In the House - Hearing 3/31 at 1:30 p.m. Died.

Maryland Other Topics Died

Alters the definition of "practice pharmacy" to include the ordering and administering of certain laboratory tests. Requires the State Board of Pharmacy, on or before January 1, 2022, to adopt regulations authorizing a pharmacist to order and administer laboratory tests, without a written, oral or electronically transmitted prescription from an authorized prescriber that measure biomarkers, including deoxyribonucleic acid. In the Senate - Hearing 3/02 at 1:00 p.m. Died.

Maryland Privacy Died

Requires certain businesses that collect a consumer's personal information to provide certain clear and conspicuous notices to the consumer at or before the point of collection. The bill defines biometric information to include an individual's DNA. In the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules. Died.

Massachusetts Other Topics Pending

Prohibits any unit government from directly or indirectly: (1) excluding or partially excluding from participation, disadvantaging, harming, denying one or more benefits to, or otherwise subjecting a person to discrimination based on or because of one or more of the person�s protected characteristics; or (2) adopting, implementing or without limitation otherwise approving or utilizing any program, policy or practice that has a discriminatory effect. Protected characteristics includes genetic information. Carries over 2022.

Massachusetts Privacy Pending

Establishes protections relative to the processing of personal data and the free movement of personal data. Prohibits the processing of genetic data or biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person with certain exceptions. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Health Insurance Coverage Pending

Requires certain insurers to provide benefits on a nondiscriminatory basis for the diagnosis and treatment of Alfi�s syndrome in individuals. Diagnosis of Alfi's Syndrome includes genetic testing. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Health Insurance Coverage Pending

Requires certain insurers to provide coverage for screening breast ultrasound or screening breast magnetic resonance imaging examination if the patient has additional risk factors for breast cancer including, but not limited to, family history and positive genetic testing. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Other Topics Pending

Promotes fair housing by preventing discrimination against affordable housing based on various factors, including genetic information. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Privacy Pending

Establishes privacy protections for the collection, use, retention and disclosure of biometric information by businesses in the state of Massachusetts. Biometric information is defined to include a DNA sequence. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Other Topics Pending

Creates a pancreatic cancer advisory council within the health department. Requires the commissioner of insurance to survey health insurers in the commonwealth to ascertain coverage benefits of genetic testing for pancreatic cancer across health insurance plans, and present findings to the committee on health care financing and the committee on financial services no later than June 30, 2022. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Privacy Pending

Establishes requirements for specified persons, partnerships or corporations that maintain high-risk information systems. A high-risk information system involves the personal information of a significant numbers of consumers regarding various characteristics, including genetic data. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Employment Nondiscrimination Pending

Requires the commission on workplace harassment and sexual assault in the legislature to research and develop model workplace harassment policies for consideration and use by the Senate and House of Representatives. The model policies must address identity-based harassment, including harassment based on genetic information. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Privacy Pending

Establishes privacy protections for the collection, use, retention and disclosure of biometric information by businesses in the state of Massachusetts. Biometric information is defined to include. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Privacy Pending

Amends statute to protect personal information under the security breach law. Adds genetic information to the scope of information covered under the law. Referred to the Senate committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet and Cybersecurity. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Other Topics Pending

Promotes fair housing by preventing discrimination against affordable housing based on various factors, including genetic information. Carries over to 2022.

Massachusetts Other Topics Pending

Creates a pancreatic cancer advisory council within the health department. Requires the commissioner of insurance to survey health insurers in the commonwealth to ascertain coverage benefits of genetic testing for pancreatic cancer across health insurance plans, and present findings to the committee on health care financing and the committee on financial services no later than June 30, 2022. Carries over to 2022.

Displaying 776 - 800 of 1160

Additional Resources

Cornell Legal Information Institute
This website allows users to search for Federal and state laws and regulations. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include regulations.

LawSeqSM Database
Developed at the University of Minnesota and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, this database allows users to search federal and state statutes, regulations, and reported judicial decisions. The database allows searches by jurisdiction (federal, state, and individuals states), source type, topic, and open text. This resource was developed by a project funded by NHGRI and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on “LawSeqSM: Building a Sound Legal Foundation for Translating Genomics into Clinical Application” (grant #: R01HG008605; Susan M. Wolf,. Ellen Wright Clayton, and Frances Lawrenz, principal investigators). The team keeps this database up to date.

National Society of Genetic Counselors
To find information about state genetic counselor licensing laws, visit the National Society of Genetic Counselors’ website. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include state laws related to genetic counseling. 

Last updated: February 8, 2024