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Transfer RNA (tRNA) Paper Model

Step-by-step instructions and printable folding paper are included in the downloadable instruction sheet.

Transfer RNAs, called tRNAs for short, play a key role in the creation of new proteins, known as translation. The tRNAs serve as links between the messenger RNA (mRNA) and the growing protein molecule. The mRNA is read out in sets of three letters called codons, and each codon corresponds to a specific amino acid, the building block of proteins. By pairing with certain codons on the mRNA molecule, the tRNA ensures that the appropriate amino acid is added onto the new protein. tRNAs fold into a distinct L-shape that helps them carry out this function. One end of the tRNA has a specific sequence to match the codon on the mRNA, and the other end of the tRNA has a site to carry the amino acid that needs to be added to the new protein.

There are 20 different amino acids used in the human body, and this specific tRNA is for the amino acid methionine. Methionine plays a special role in translation because only a few codons can start this process. These are known as start codons, and methionine’s codon, AUG, is the most common start codon.

Adapted from PDB-101: Learn: Paper Models: tRNA [rcsb.org]

For more information on tRNA see NHGRI’s Talking Glossary of Genomic and Genetic Terms.

Last updated: May 23, 2024