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Program TitleProgram DescriptionInstitution
Translation and Integration of Genomics is Essential to Doctoral Nursing: TIGERA program to train doctoral nurses in the translation and integration of genomics into academics, research and clinical practice.Vanderbilt University
Epigenomics Workshop for Graduate StudentsA workshop hosted by the Van Andel Institute to give graduate students an overview of the latest methodology and its applications across several fields.Van Andel Research Institute
Genomic Competencies for Nurses from Theory to Application: An Online Long CourseA free, self-paced course to improve nurses' literacy in genetics and genomics to benefit their research, clinical practice and teaching. The program is designed for doctoral-level nurses and faculty.Duquesne University
Reproducible and FAIR Bioinformatics Analysis of Omics DataThe course provides students with a practical knowledge of the bioinformatics and biostatistics relevant to biomedical research. The program is designed for biomedical research scientists-in-training.Mount Desert Island Biological Lab
CSHL Statistical Methods for Functional Genomics CourseThe course is designed to build competence in statistical methods for analyzing high-throughput data in genomics and molecular biology. The workshop is geared towards graduate students, Ph.D students, senior investigators and postdoctoral scholars.Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Workshops on Genomics and Next Generation Computational Statistics for Big DataThe workshops are hand-on programs for those who are interested in learning data analysis, programming and statistical techniques , which included the analysis of next generation sequence data. The program is designed for researchers at the postdoctoral and early career level, senior biomedical researchers transitioning to more quantitative genomic research and senior computational scientists.University of California Los Angeles
Advanced Gene Mapping CourseThe course focuses on analyzing sequence and other omics data to elucidate the genetic etiology complex human disease traits. The course is designed for advanced researchers typically pre-doctoral students or post-doctoral fellows.Rockefeller University
CSHL Computational Genomics CourseThis course presents a comprehensive overview of the theory and practice of computational methods for the characterization of functional elements in DNA and RNA sequence data. The workshop is geared towards graduate students, Ph.D students, senior investigators and postdoctoral scholars.Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
CSHL Programming for Biology CourseFocused on python and designed for lab biologists with little or no programming experience, this course will give students the bioinformatic sand scripting skills they need to derive biological insights for an abundance of data.Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Clinical Research Education in Genome Science (CREiGS)An educational program for doctoral students, residents, postdoctoral scholars and faculty engaged in clinical and translational research with limited background in the analysis of genetics/genomics data.Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Development of Online Computational Genomics SpecializationGeared towards undergraduate students, the goal of the MOOC is to develop courses covering a broad range of topics in modern computational genomics.University of California, San Diego

Last updated: March 20, 2025