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The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is comprised of state statutes and bills introduced during the 2002-2024 U.S. state legislative sessions.


NHGRI's Table of State Statutes Related to Genomics provides the total number of states that have enacted legislation on the topics in the database, together with a description of each topic. The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is reviewed and updated monthly. Searchable topics in the database include employment and insurance discrimination, health insurance coverage, privacy, research, the use of residual newborn screening specimens and other topics of interest.

Definitions of terms such as "bill", "statute", and "regulation" are available through the Glossary of Statutory, Legislative,and Regulatory Terms.

For other helpful links and legislative databases, please see Additional Resources.

State Primary Link Topic(s) Bill Status Summary
Georgia Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits a health group cooperative from excluding a small employer based on a health status-related factor, including genetic information in relation to an employee or dependent of an employee. Measure failed.

Iowa Employment Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill adds definitions to the genetic nondiscrimination in employment law. Signed by the Governor April 29, 2010.

Iowa Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy, Research Died

This bill prohibits health insurers from discriminating based on genetic information or tests. Authorization is required to obtain genetic information or samples. Consent requirements are established to collect, retain, transmit or use genetic information. Exceptions under consent requirements include medical or scientific research and eduction and for use in medical repositories and registries if it does not contain personally identifiable information. Health insurers may not release genetic information without prior written authorization. Exceptions for release requirements include (1) if an individual is participating in research settings, including those governed by the federal policy for the protection of human subjects, and (2) tests conducted purely for research. Measure failed.

Iowa Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy, Research Enacted

This bill prohibits health insurers from discriminating based on genetic information or tests. Authorization is required to obtain genetic information or samples. Consent requirements are established to collect, retain, transmit or use genetic information. Exceptions under consent requirements include medical or scientific research and eduction and for use in medical repositories and registries if it does not contain personally identifiable information. Health insurers may not release genetic information without prior written authorization. Exceptions for release requirements include (1) if an individual is participating in research settings, including those governed by the federal policy for the protection of human subjects, and (2) tests conducted purely for research. Signed by the Governor April 23, 2010.

Kansas Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Enacted

As described in the supplemental bill note, this bill establishes additional restrictions on insurance companies that require larger premiums for coverage based on obtaining a genetic test or the results of a genetic test, or that adjust premiums based on obtaining a genetic test or the results of a genetic test. The bill also specifies that the genetic testing provisions in law would apply to group policies and certificates of coverage or individual policies that provide hospital, medical or surgical expense benefits. Approved by the Governor April 15, 2010.

Kansas Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Enacted

As described in the supplemental bill note, this bill establishes additional restrictions on insurance companies that require larger premiums for coverage based on obtaining a genetic test or the results of a genetic test, or that adjust premiums based on obtaining a genetic test or the results of a genetic test. The bill also specifies that the genetic testing provisions in law would apply to group policies and certificates of coverage or individual policies that provide hospital, medical or surgical expense benefits. Approved March 22, 2010.

Kentucky Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy Died

This bill prohibits the adjustment of premium or contribution amounts based on genetic information; prohibits an insurer from requesting or requiring a genetic test of a member unless made pursuant to the Common Rule, equivalent federal regulations or any applicable administrative regulation for the protection of human subjects in research; prohibits the use of genetic information for underwriting purposes; prohibits the request, requirement, or purchase of genetic information by an insurer prior to an individual's enrollment under a plan; precludes insurers from requiring genetic information for eligibility for health insurance in the individual market; and prohibits the use of genetic information for the purpose of imposing any pre-existing condition exclusion. Measure failed.

Maryland Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill amends provisions of law that relate to the use of genetic tests and genetic information by an insurer, nonprofit health service plan, or health maintenance organization. The bill also amends provisions related to the use of genetic information in disability insurance, longterm care insurance, or life insurance. Measure failed.

Maryland Employment Nondiscrimination Died

This bill amends the employment discrimination law to state that an unlawful employment practice is established, including discrimination based on genetic information, when the complainant demonstrates that genetic information was a motivating factor for any employment practice even though other factors motivated the practice. Measure failed.

Massachusetts Health Insurance Coverage Enacted

This bill requires individual accident and sickness policies, individual and group hospital service plans, the group insurance commissionplan for active and retired employees, and individual or group medical service agreement and health maintenance contract to provide benefits on a nondiscriminatory basis for diagnosis and treatment of autism. Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders is defined to include genetic testing. Signed by the Governor August 3, 2010.

Minnesota Other Topics Died

This bill requires any person who provides a specimen collection kit to a resident of Minnesota for the purpose of collecting genetic material to perform a genetic test to first provide the resident with the disclosure, as described in the legislation. The bill also requires a study to determine which companies and laboratories are providing direct-to-consumer genetic tests to Minnesota residents. Measure failed.

Mississippi Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill creates the genetic nondiscrimination in health insurance act. No health benefit plan may cancel, deny or refuse to renew benefits or coverage based on genetic information. This bill also places restrictions on health benefit plan's ability to request or require disclosure of genetic information. Measure failed.

Mississippi Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits group health benefit plans from imposing pre-existing condition exclusions based on genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis. Measure failed.

Montana Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill amends the health insurance statutes and prohibits a group health plan or a health insurance issuer offering group health_insurance_coverage from imposing a preexisting condition exclusion on an individual under 19 years of age because of a preexisting condition. Genetic information may not be treated as a pre-existing condition under existing law. Measure failed.

Montana Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill amends the genetic nondiscrimination law pertaining to life and disability insurance to exclude high deductible plans. Measure failed.

Nebraska Privacy Died

This bill amends section 71-551 of the statutes on genetic testing. Proposed changes address the types of genetic tests covered under law and and consent requirements. Measure failed.

Oklahoma Health Insurance Coverage Died

This bill requires individual and group health insurers that provide coverage on an expense-incurred basis to provide reimbursement not to exceed $115 for mammography screening any female under 35 with a genetic predisposition to breast cancer. Measure failed.

Oklahoma Use of Residual Newborn Screening Specimens Enacted

This bill requires parental consent required to store, transfer, use or database DNA from any newborn child. Signed by the Governor May 11, 2010.

Oklahoma Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Research Enacted

This bill modifies the state Genetic Information Nondiscrimination in Insurance Act. Topics addressed by the modifications include definitions, discrimination in health insurance based on genetic information, and prohibitions for requesting and requiring genetic a genetic test with exceptions for research if conducted in compliance with the Common Rule and certain criteria are met. Approved by the Governor on 5/10/2010.

South Carolina Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy, Research Died

This bill amends existing statute sections and creates new statute sections pertaining to health_insurance_nondiscrimination, genetic privacy, research issues and enforcement of these provisions. Measure failed.

South Carolina Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy, Research Enacted

This bill amends existing statute sections and creates new statute sections pertaining to health_insurance_nondiscrimination, genetic privacy, research issues and enforcement of these provisions. Signed by the Governor on June 7, 2010.

Virginia Employment Nondiscrimination Died

This bill amends the state employment genetic nondiscrimination law by adding the Commonwealth or any of its agencies, institutions, or political subdivisions, or any public body to the list of entities covered under the law. Measure failed.

California Employment Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill, referred to as CalGINA, prohibits discrimination based on genetic information in several areas in addition to those addressed by existing law, including in housing, at certain business facilities, at state agencies, entities funded by or receiving financial assistance from the state, and in the provision of emergency services. Signed by the Governor on September 6, 2011.

Hawaii Privacy, Research Died

This bill adds a new chapter to the Hawaii statutes on the privacy of health care information. The bill provides for the protection of "protected health information," including genetic information. The bill allows a health care provider, health plan, public health authority, employer, insurer or educational institution to disclose protected health information to health researchers if certain requirements are met, including review of the research by an IRB. Measure failed.

Iowa Employment Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill requires a health carrier to notify a covered person of the right to request an external review and include appropriate statements and information in the written notice of a final adverse decision. Health carriers also must include with the notice an authorization form or other document developed by the state that complies with the federal Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Signed by the Governor on April 28, 2011.

Massachusetts Health Insurance Nondiscrimination, Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination, Privacy, Research, Use of Residual Newborn Screening Specimens Died

This bill creates the Genetic Bill of RIghts. Genetic information is declared the exclusive property of the individual from whom the information is obtained. The bill also prohibits disclosure of genetic information without informed written consent. The bill excludes newborn screening blood specimens from the definition of genetic information. The bill also excludes research from consent requirements when genetic information is held by particular entities if the information is confidential research information for use in epidemiological or clinical research conducted for the purpose of generating scientific knowledge about genes or learning about the genetic basis of disease or for developing pharmaceutical and other treatments of disease. Measure failed.

Michigan Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill allows a health insurer to request a genetic test as additional information for prior authorization. (See version passed by the Senate). Measure failed.

Minnesota Other Topics Died

This bill requires any person who provides a specimen collection kit to a resident of Minnesota for the purpose of collecting genetic material to perform a genetic test to first provide the resident with the disclosure, as described in the legislation. The bill also requires a study to determine which companies and laboratories are providing direct-to-consumer genetic tests to Minnesota residents. Measure failed.

Mississippi Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

Genetic information may not be excluded as a preexisting condition in the absence of a diagnosis of the condition related to the genetic information. Measure failed.

New Mexico Employment Nondiscrimination Died

This bill enacts the Uniform Protection of Genetic Information in Employment Act on employee access to genetic information, confidentiality and retention of genetic information and disclosure of genetic information. Measure failed.

New York Use of Residual Newborn Screening Specimens Died

This bill prohibits the retention of DNA, blood spots or other genetic information with an infant's identifying information for any period of time or for any purpose other than newborn screening without parental consent. Measure failed.

New York Health Insurance Coverage Died

This bill requires accident and health insurance policies to cover the cost of genetic testing of people with a family history of cancer when his or her physician determines that there is a significant risk of developing cancer. Measure failed.

New York Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits discrimination based on genetic characteristics in life and disability insurance. Measure failed.

New York Research Died

This bill regulates the use of human subjects for medical research and experimentation, including subjects with mental disorders and children. Measure failed.

New York Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill defines the term "genetic predisposition" for purposes of individual and small group health insurance policies, requires that genetic predisposition be disregarded in community rating, and provides that no pre-existing condition exclusion in such a policy shall exclude coverage on the basis of any genetic predisposition. Measure failed.

New York Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill prohibits any group or blanket health insurance policy from excluding coverage for any group member based on a predisposing genetic characteristic, and prohibits any hospital service corporation, health service corporation or medical expense indemnity corporation contract from excluding coverage for any group member based on predisposing genetic characteristics. Measure failed.

New York Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

his bill defines the term "genetic predisposition" for purposes of individual and small group health insurance policies, requires that genetic predisposition be disregarded in community rating, and provides that no pre-existing condition exclusion in such a policy shall exclude coverage on the basis of any genetic predisposition. Measure failed.

North Dakota Use of Residual Newborn Screening Specimens Enacted

This bill amends the statute that allows the health council to authorize the use of newborn metabolic screening tests for legitimate research purposes by broadening the term "newborn metabolic screening tests" to include "newborn metabolic and genetic disease screening tests." Signed by the Governor April 26, 2011.

Oklahoma Employment Nondiscrimination Died

This bill amends statutes pertaining to discriminatory practices in employment, housing, and public accommodations. The bill provides exclusive remedies for individuals alleging discrimination in employment on the basis of genetic information. Measure failed.

Oklahoma Employment Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill amends statutes pertaining to discriminatory practices in employment, housing, and public accommodations. The bill provides exclusive remedies for individuals alleging discrimination in employment on the basis of genetic information. Signed by the Governor May 18, 2011.

South Dakota Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill amends the definitions used in the health_insurance_nondiscrimination law. Signed by the Governor March 8, 2011.

Texas Privacy Died

This bill gives an individual property rights to his or her DNA sample. A person may not collect a DNA sample, perform a genetic test or retain a DNA sample, with few exceptions such as for law enforcement purposes. Measure failed.

Vermont Privacy Died

This bill creates personal property rights to genetic information. The bill also prohibits disclosure of genetic information without informed written consent. Measure failed.

Wisconsin Employment Nondiscrimination Died

This bill would eliminate the compensatory and punitives damages for acts of employment discrmination or unfair honesty or genetic testing. Measure failed.

Wisconsin Employment Nondiscrimination Enacted

This bill would eliminate the compensatory and punitives damages for acts of employment discrmination or unfair honesty or genetic testing. Signed by the Governor April 6, 2012.

Alabama Privacy Died

This bill creates the Genetic Information privacy Act. The bill establishes procedures for obtaining, disclosing and storing genetic information as well as penalties for unlawful disclosure. Measure failed.

California Privacy, Research Died

This bill creates the Genetic Information privacy Act. The bill prohibits any person from obtaining, analyzing, or disclosing genetic information without the written authorization of the individual to whom the information pertains and requires a separate written authorization for each separate disclosure of an individual's genetic information, with some exceptions such as for law enforcement. The bill permits disaggregated and anonymized data to be used in the manner specified that was collected before the bill's enactment without the authorization described above. The bill also permits the use of disaggregated and anonymized data, as specified, if written authorization is obtained and the data is used for a purpose authorized by the individual to whom the information pertains. Measure failed.

Hawaii Health Insurance Nondiscrimination Died

This bill requires health benefit plans to include lower deductibles and co-payments for non-tobacco smokers and others at low risk. Genetic factors and pre-existing conditions may not be considered a behavior. Measure failed.

Illinois Health Insurance Coverage Died

The Department of Healthcare and Family Services must authorize the provision of, and payment for, a baseline mammograms for women 35-39 and mammograms at certain intervals for women over 40. Women under 40 with risk factors such as positive genetic testing should receive mammograms as medical necessary. Measure failed.

Louisiana Employment Nondiscrimination Died

This bill changes the person in charge of promulgating regulations for genetic monitoring from the executive director of the Louisiana Workforce Commission to the chairman of the Louisiana Commission on Human Rights. Measure failed.

Displaying 101 - 150 of 1175

Additional Resources

Cornell Legal Information Institute
This website allows users to search for Federal and state laws and regulations. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include regulations.

LawSeqSM Database
Developed at the University of Minnesota and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, this database allows users to search federal and state statutes, regulations, and reported judicial decisions. The database allows searches by jurisdiction (federal, state, and individuals states), source type, topic, and open text. This resource was developed by a project funded by NHGRI and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on “LawSeqSM: Building a Sound Legal Foundation for Translating Genomics into Clinical Application” (grant #: R01HG008605; Susan M. Wolf,. Ellen Wright Clayton, and Frances Lawrenz, principal investigators). The team keeps this database up to date.

National Society of Genetic Counselors
To find information about state genetic counselor licensing laws, visit the National Society of Genetic Counselors’ website. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include state laws related to genetic counseling. 

  • Additional Resources

    Cornell Legal Information Institute
    This website allows users to search for Federal and state laws and regulations. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include regulations.

    LawSeqSM Database
    Developed at the University of Minnesota and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, this database allows users to search federal and state statutes, regulations, and reported judicial decisions. The database allows searches by jurisdiction (federal, state, and individuals states), source type, topic, and open text. This resource was developed by a project funded by NHGRI and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on “LawSeqSM: Building a Sound Legal Foundation for Translating Genomics into Clinical Application” (grant #: R01HG008605; Susan M. Wolf,. Ellen Wright Clayton, and Frances Lawrenz, principal investigators). The team keeps this database up to date.

    National Society of Genetic Counselors
    To find information about state genetic counselor licensing laws, visit the National Society of Genetic Counselors’ website. NHGRI’s Genome Statute and Legislation Database does not include state laws related to genetic counseling. 

Last updated: September 14, 2023