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NHGRI efforts to support NIH UNITE Initiative

On March 1, 2021, NIH Director, Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., announced expansive new efforts for all of NIH to support equity, diversity, and inclusion in science, with the ultimate goal to end structural racism in biomedical research through the new UNITE Initiative.

From the NHGRI Director


The genomics community has been vocal about the far-reaching consequences of structural racism in biomedical research. NHGRI has a central role in helping to envision how an end to structural racism would look in our community and across biomedical research. As we champion this work, I am hopeful that our shared commitment to the UNITE initiative continues to reduce barriers to racial inequalities in the research community. I greatly admire the resilience and continued dedication of our institute, our colleagues and grantees, and our country. Together, we will effect real change.

Eric Green

    Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D.


NIH UNITE Initiative

The UNITE initiative was established to identify and address structural racism within the NIH-supported and the greater scientific community. With representation from across the NIH Institutes and Centers, UNITE aims to establish an equitable and civil culture within the biomedical research enterprise and reduce barriers to racial equity in the biomedical research workforce.

Submit Feedback

Be part of the institutional change. Respond to the Request for Information, which seeks input from the public and stakeholder organizations. The deadline to submit suggestions is April 9, 2021.

Funding Opportunities

  • RFA-RM-21-021: Transformative Research to Address Health Disparities and Advance Health Equity (U01 Clinical Trial Allowed)
    Letter of Intent Due Date: 4/28/2021
    Application Due Date: 5/28/2021

  • RFA-RM-21-022: Transformative Research to Address Health Disparities and Advance Health Equity at Minority Serving Institutions (U01 Clinical Trial Allowed)
    Letter of Intent Due Date: 4/28/2021
    Application Due Date: 5/28/2021

UNITE Structure

UNITE is comprised of five committees with experts across all 27 institutes and centers who are passionate about racial diversity, equity, and inclusion and stands for:

  • Understanding stakeholder experiences through listening and learning
  • New research on health disparities, minority health, and health equities
  • Improving the NIH culture and structure for equity, inclusion, and excellence
  • Transparency, communication, and accountability with our internal and external stakeholders
  • Extramural research ecosystem: changing policy, culture, and structure to promote workforce diversity
  • UNITE Structure

    UNITE is comprised of five committees with experts across all 27 institutes and centers who are passionate about racial diversity, equity, and inclusion and stands for:

    • Understanding stakeholder experiences through listening and learning
    • New research on health disparities, minority health, and health equities
    • Improving the NIH culture and structure for equity, inclusion, and excellence
    • Transparency, communication, and accountability with our internal and external stakeholders
    • Extramural research ecosystem: changing policy, culture, and structure to promote workforce diversity
Vence Bonham
Vence L. Bonham Jr., J.D.
Acting Deputy Director ,Office of the Director

Member of the “New research on health disparities/minority health/health equity” committee (the “N” in UNITE).

Laura Koehly
Laura M. Koehly, Ph.D.
Chief & Senior Investigator ,Social and Behavioral Research Branch

Co-chairs the “Improving the NIH culture and structure for equity, inclusion and excellence” committee (the “I” in UNITE).

Bettie Graham
Bettie J. Graham, Ph.D.
Volunteer ,Division of Extramural Operations

Member of the “Extramural research ecosystem: Changing policy, culture and structure to promote workforce diversity” (the “E” in UNITE).

Last updated: March 26, 2021