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Genetics Reimagined: Preparing Students to Explore the Forefront of Research and Design

Event Details

The NHGRI Education and Community Involvement Branch is co-hosting a webinar on January 9 with the Undergraduate Genetics Education Network (UGEN) for the 5th Annual Virtual Workshop titled "Genetics Reimagined: Preparing Students to Explore the Forefront of Research and Design."

This live, highly participatory workshop will explore the changing landscape of genetics from a largely descriptive field (how does it work?) to emerging creative fields (how can we use what we know to produce something new?). What opportunities can your students expect to see as genetics and genetic engineering grow into a new variety of research and design fields?


What You'll Learn

In this workshop, you'll learn about synthetic biology Course Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs); explore careers at the intersection of genetics, design, and technology; and dig into the ethics of open source/DIY genetics. Participants will come away with discussion prompts, resources, and activities to try in the classroom or lab.

*Please note that this workshop is designed for undergraduate educators, and participation is expected. This is not a typical webinar, so please join us and be ready for a rich discussion!

*This program does not offer professional development credits for participants.


Welcome and Introductions

Keynote Address: Empowering Students to Explore Genetics Through Synthetic Biology Research
Malcolm Campbell, Ph.D.

Session 1: Build-a-Genome: Building with Biology at the Genome Scale 
Lisa Scheifele, Ph.D.

Session 2: ​​Ethics of Open Source/DIY Genetics 
UGEN organizers

Session 3: Creative Careers in Genetics
Natalie Kuldell, Ph.D.
Eric Stevens, Ph.D.
Sabriya Stukes, Ph.D.

Closing & Thank You


For questions and comments, please contact Beth Tuck at elizabeth.tuck@nih.gov.