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Genomic Medicine XIV: Genomic Learning Healthcare Systems

Event Details

On August 31 - September 1, 2022, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) sponsored its 14th Genomic Medicine meeting, Genomic Medicine XIV: Genomic Learning Healthcare Systems.  

This meeting discussed progress and identify generalizable solutions to the challenges of implementing genomic medicine we have encountered since the 2015 National Academy of Medicine's Genomics-Enabled Learning Health Care Systems workshop. Persistent barriers and evidence gaps were examined as opportunities for additional research.

The objectives of the meeting were to:

  • Explore real-world examples of how genomic learning healthcare systems (gLHS) apply cycles of genomic medicine implementation, evaluation, adjustment and updated implementation practices across delivery systems.
  • Examine barriers and identify potential solutions, with a focus on lessons learned from effective gLHS and their potential transportability to other settings.
  • Determine ways to develop and share solutions and form collaborations to facilitate research on implementing gLHS.

Meeting Booklet (PDF)

Executive Summary (PDF)

Meeting Summary (PDF)

Genomic Medicine Working Group Discussion on Genomic Medicine XIV (PDF)



Recorded Video

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

11:00 a.m.Welcome and Introductions 
 Overview of National Academy of Medicine's 2015 Workshop, Genomics-Enabled Learning Health Care SystemsPat Deverka
 Structure, Goals and Products of NHGRI Genomic Medicine MeetingsTeri Manolio
11:15 a.m.Session 1: Laying the GroundworkModerators:
Rex Chisholm
Renee Rider
 Keynote: The State of Genomic Learning Healthcare Systems (25 min)Peter Hulick
 Overview of gLHS Barriers (10 min)Teri Manolio
 Panel Discussion (55 min)Adam Buchanan
Gai Elhanan
Casey Overby-Taylor
Bruce Korf
12:45 p.m.Break 
12:55 p.m.Session 2: IT InfrastructureModerators:
Carol Bult
Christopher Chute
 Clinical Informatics Recommendations From GM XIII (15 min)Ken Wiley
 Integrating Genomic Results Into EHRs (15 min)Travis Osterman
 Population-Based Clinical Decision Support for Precision Medicine (15 min)Guilherme Del Fiol
 Discussion (45 min)
2:25 p.m.Break
2:55 p.m.Session 3: The Role of gLHS in Increasing Health Equity and Access to Genomic HealthcareModerators:
Gail Jarvik
Karriem Watson
 Identifying Biases in gLHS Data and Implementation (15 min)Janina Jeff
Latrice Landry
 Diverse Patient and Provider Engagement in gLHS (15 min)Carol Horowitz
 Facilitating gLHS through Patient Access to Genomic Information (15 min)Deven McGraw
 Discussion (60 min)
4:55 p.m.Adjourn Day 1 


Thursday, September 1, 2022

11:00 a.m.Welcome 
 Day 1 RecapPat Deverka
Teri Manolio
11:10 a.m.Session 4: Enabling Providers to Implement Genomic KnowledgeModerators:
Susanne Haga
Robb Rowley
 Genomic Medicine Track for Internal Medicine Trainees (15 min)Noura Abul-Husn
 Improving Access to Genomics in Clinical Practice (15 min)Rizwan Hamid
 Scalable Solutions for Genetic Counseling (15 min)Cynthia A. James
 Genomic Medicine Implementation in the VA Healthcare System (15 min)Jason Vassy
 Discussion (45 min)
1:10 p.m.Break
1:30 p.m.Session 5: Establishing and Sustaining gLHSModerators:
Erin Ramos
Krystal Tsosie
 Generating Evidence of Effectiveness and Value (15 min)Howard McLeod
 Genomic Learning Healthcare Systems and Payers (15 min)Nancy Mendelsohn
 Progress in the Integration of Personalized Medicine and Developing Common Metrics (15 min)Daryl Pritchard
 Discussion (45 min) 
3:00 p.m.Break 
3:10 p.m.Session 6: Realizing the Promise of gLHSModerators:
Pat Deverka
Teri Manolio
 Turning gLHS Data into Knowledge (15 min)Heidi Rehm
 Creation of a Virtuous Cycle to Realize the gLHS (15 min)Marc S. Williams
 Scaling the Genomics Enabled Learning Health System to Optimize Research and Clinical Care (15 min)Geoff Ginsburg
 Discussion (30 min)
4:25 p.m.Summary and Next StepsPat Deverka
Teri Manolio
5:00 p.m.Adjourn Day 2 

Last updated: March 6, 2023