2023 Healthcare Professionals' Genomics Education Week
Event Details
Genomics is becoming an increasingly important part of patient care, but healthcare providers may not be aware of genomics education resources that are available. The National Human Genome Research Institute and its partners are organizing a social media campaign from June 5 to June 9, 2023, that focuses on healthcare provider genomics education. This initiative will include panel discussions, webinars, Twitter chats and Q&As. The event is hosted through NHGRI's Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics.
Follow on Twitter: #MedGeneEd23
Recorded Videos
YouTube Playlist: 2023 Healthcare Professionals Genomics Education Week
June 5: Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing
Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing; Update and Cases
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. EDT
ISCC-PEG Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing (DTC GT) Project group members will discuss updates about DTC-GT and engage with the audience. The session will describe the current DTC-GT landscape and suggest steps to manage DTC GT results through patient scenarios.
- Houriya Ayoubieh, M.D., FACMG
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
ISCC-PEG DTC-GT Project Group Co-Chair
- Tracey Weiler, Ph.D.
Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine
Florida International University
ISCC-PEG DTC-GT Project Group Co-Chair
- Kathryn Garber, Ph.D.
Emory University
- Heewon Lee, M.S., CGC
University of Minnesota Genetic Counseling
- Nguyen Park, DMSc, M.S., PA-C, DFAAPA
Society of PAs in Genetics & Genomics
- Katherine Hyland, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine
- Roseann S. Gammal, Pharm.D., BCPS
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- Christine M. Formea, Pharm.D., BCPS, FCCP, FASHP
Intermountain Healthcare Precision Genomics
Host: NHGRI ISCC-PEG DTC-GT Project Group
Recorded Video DTC-GT FAQGenetic testing and disability bias in prenatal care
3:00 - 3:45 p.m. EDT
In this session, learners will review patient-centered approaches to counseling regarding prenatal genetic testing. We will review evidence regarding anti-disability bias in prenatal genetic testing and cover the guidelines and ethical considerations for counseling.
- Apolline Jungels, B.S.
MS4 at Boston University School of Medicine
Host: NHGRI ISCC-PEG Inclusive Genetics Project Group
Recorded Video Project Inclusive GeneticsJune 6: Pharmacogenomics
A Guide to Pharmacogenomic Resources: What Clinicians Should Know
11:00 - 11:30 a.m. EDT
This presentation will be a brief overview for clinicians describing how to utilize freely available pharmacogenomic resources such as the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium’s (CPIC) detailed gene/drug clinical practice guidelines and PharmGKB, a pharmacogenomics knowledge resource.
- Kelly E. Caudle, Pharm.D., Ph.D, BCPS
Pharmacogenomics CPIC Co-PI and Director Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
- Michelle Whirl-Carrillo, Ph.D.
Pharmacogenomics PharmGKB Co-PI and Director
CPIC Informatics Co-Director Department of Biomedical Data Science
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Host: NHGRI ISCC-PEG Pharmacogenomics Project Group
Recorded Video CPIC PharmGKBVascular Genetics: Approaches to Aortopathies and Arteriopathies
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. EDT
- Maléne Lindholm
Stanford University
- Lisa Wilsbacher
Northwestern University
- Wesley Abplanap, Ph.D.
Goethe University Frankfurt
- Hugo Martinez, M.D.
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Host: American Heart Association
Introducing the NIH Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG) Pharmacogenomics Learning Series: new peer-reviewed online education for healthcare professionals
1:00 - 1:30 p.m. EDT
Educational barriers limit broader application of pharmacogenomics to improve medication outcomes. This brief webinar will reenforce the importance of educating the healthcare professions towards genomics competency and will announce new online educational offerings. The Pharmacogenomics (PGx) Project Group of NHGRI ISCC-PEG is proud to launch a series of peer-reviewed educational activities to support healthcare practitioners integrating pharmacogenomics effectively in clinical practice. The activities can be taken independently either free of charge or for continuing education credit depending upon the learner’s needs. The content is reviewed annually and is hosted online by the University of Pittsburgh.
- Philip Empey, Pharm.D., Ph.D.
Co-Chair, PGx Project Group of ISCC-PEG
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy and Therapeutics
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
- Roseann S. Gammal, Pharm.D., BCPS
Co-Chair, PGx Project Group of ISCC-PEG
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Host: NHGRI ISCC-PEG Pharmacogenomics Project Group
Recorded Video PGx Learning SeriesClinical Pearls in Pharmacogenomics Implementation
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. EDT
This presentation will discuss lessons learned from implementing clinical pharmacogenomics on an institution-wide basis. Topics to be discussed include adapting to a new EHR system, process of reporting incidental findings linked to pharmacogenes and updating pharmacogenomic test results.
- Cyrine-Eliana Haidar, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCOP, FASHP
Clinical Pharmacogenomics Senior Program Manager
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Host: NHGRI ISCC-PEG Pharmacogenomics Project Group
Recorded VideoJune 7: Careers in Genomics
VIDEO: Nursing Genomics Frequently Asked Questions: Expert Commentaries
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. EDT
At the start of this webinar event, all are invited to watch a pre-recorded video of nursing genomics experts answering questions frequently posed by the public and entry-level nurses, as well as by advanced-practice nurses (practitioners and educators).
Questions include:
- Why is genomics important for nurses and in which practice settings can it be used?
- What is the role of a nurse practitioner as it relates to genetics and genomics?
- How can nurse practitioners be prepared to respond when patients share DTC results?
- Where is genomics included in the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials?
- How can genomic competency be assessed?
The recorded responses to these questions expand upon topics included in the “Nursing Genomics FAQ” resource posted on genome.gov/nursing-genomics.
At the end of the video presentation, Nursing Genomics Experts will be available during a live Question/Answer session until 11 am EDT.
Expert Commentators:
- Trina K. Walker, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Creighton University
Chair, Nursing Genomics Project Group, NHGRI Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG)
- Anne L. Ersig, Ph.D., RN
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, UW–Madison
Co-Chair, Nursing Genomics Project Group, NHGRI Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG)
- Sarah L. Dewell, Ph.D., MSc, RN
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, University of Northern British Columbia
- Deborah O. Himes, Ph.D., APRN-BC
Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Brigham Young University
- Dr. Rebecca A. Kronk, Ph.D., MSN, CRNP, ANEF, FAAN, CNE
Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Nursing, Duquesne University
Host: NHGRI ISCC-PEG Nursing Genomics Project Group
Recorded Video Nursing Genomics FAQs Expert CommentariesNavigating the coming wave of predictive genetic testing for cardiovascular disease: What clinicians need to know
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. EDT
- Jordan Ezekian, M.D., MPH
Hospital for Sick Children
- Andrew Landstrom, M.D., Ph.D.
Duke University School of Medicine
- Lisa Wilsbacher, M.D., Ph.D.
Northwestern University
- Anwar Chahal, MBChB, MRCP, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
- Leonie Kurzlechner, B.S.
Duke University School of Medicine
- John Tadros, MB BCH BCH
Texas Children’s Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine
- Malene Lindholm, Ph.D.
Stanford University
Host: American Heart Association
PAs & Genetics: A Perfect Fit
5:30 - 6:00 p.m. EDT
Interviews and advice from Physicians Assistants (PAs) working in genetics.
Moderator (if applicable):
- Nguyen Park, DMSc, M.S., PA-C, DFAAPA
- Shawn Chong, MS, PA-C
- Wesley Patterson, Ph.D., MSPA, PA-C
Greenwood Genetics Clinic
- Nguyen Park, DMSc, M.S., PA-C, DFAAPA
Society of PAs in Genetics & Genomics
Host: Society of PAs in Genetics & Genomics
Zoom Meeting ID: 832 4814 0660
Passcode: 39644736
June 8: Cancer Genomics/OB-GYN
VIDEO: Global Genetics and Genomics Community: Interactive Cases
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. EDT
Global Genetics and Genomics Community (G3C) is a series of online, interactive, filmed, simulated patient case studies that address a variety of evidence-based genomic applications. Including cases from pediatrics to adults, the interactive modules provide genomics education to healthcare providers. At the start of this webinar event, all are invited to watch a pre-recorded video providing an overview of G3C, the scope of the cases, and the various ways in which G3C has been used in academic and clinical practice continuing education settings. In addition, the latest case, “Autism Spectrum Disorder and Vaccines”, which is being launched during the 2023 Health Professionals’ Genomic Education Week, will be introduced.
At the end of the video presentation, genomics experts will be available during a live question/answer session until 11:00 a.m. EDT.
- Yi Liu, M.S., CGC
Genetic Counselor
Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute
- Kathleen Calzone, Ph.D., RN, AGN-BC, FAAN
Research Geneticist
Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute
Hosts: NHGRI and the National Cancer Institute
Note: The video will be posted on G3C and on GenomeTV. Viewers are welcome to submit comments and questions in the YouTube channel.
Recorded Video G3CBiomarker Testing: A Road Map for Cancer Care
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EDT
Register now for the free webinar, Biomarker Testing: A Road Map for Cancer Care. This interactive and virtual education session will take place on Thur. June 8, 2023, 1-2 pm EDT. Advanced Oncology Nurse of the Year recipient, Dr. Danielle Fournier, DNP, APRN, AGPCNP-BC, AOCNP, is our expert speaker and explores concepts of biomarker testing through real-world examples and case studies to clarify the implications to nursing practice and patient care. Dr. Fournier will also review free practice resources that are available to support integration of this content into nursing practice.
- Danielle Fournier, DNP, APRN, AGPCNP-BC, AOCNP
Nurse Practitioner
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Host: NHGRI and Oncology Nursing Society (ONS)
Recorded Video ONS Learning LibraryInclusive Genomics: Uncovering the complexity of genomic diversity
3:00 p.m. EDT
- Jordan Ezekian, M.D., Ph.D.
Hospital for Sick Children
- Konrad Sawicki, M.D., Ph.D.
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
- Hanna (John) Tadros, M.D.
Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine
Host: American Heart Association
June 9: Rare Diseases/Inclusive Genetics
Key Concepts and Best Practices in Cardiovascular Genetic Testing
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EDT
- Bernardo Bonilauri, Ph.D.
Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
- Andrew Landstrom, M.D., Ph.D.
Duke University School of Medicine
- Jordan Ezekian, M.D., MPH
Hospital for Sick Children
- Hugo Martinez, M.D.
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- Lisa Wilsbacher
Northwestern University
- Hanna “John” Tadros, M.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
Host: American Heart Association
Multidisciplinary Panel: Navigating DNA Damage Repair Deficiency in Cancer Patient Management
12:30 - 1:00 p.m. EDT
Cancer biomarker testing performed for treatment decision-making can be challenging to interpret. In this educational webinar, a multidisciplinary panel of clinical experts will discuss a case that involves DNA repair deficiency and PARP inhibitors, including BRCA1/2 and other biomarkers, and how to make informed decisions regarding the best path forward for the patient.
The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) is a non-profit biomedical research organization and National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center. In collaboration with the Maine Cancer Genomics Initiative, JAX provides education to help clinicians integrate the use of cancer biomarker testing into practice through genomic tumor boards and online resources.
- Kate Reed, M.P.H., Sc.M., CGC
Director, Precision Oncology Education, Clinical Education Program
The Jackson Laboratory
- Christine Walko, Pharm.D., BCOP, FCCP
Associate Member, Individualized Cancer Management
Moffitt Cancer Center
- Jill M. Kolesar, Pharm.D., M.S., FCCP, BCPS
Professor, Pharmacy and Medicine
University of Kentucky
- Kelsey Fusco, M.S., CGC
Genetic Counselor
New England Cancer Specialists
Host: The Jackson Laboratory
The UTHealth Houston Cardiovascular Genomics Certificate Program: Entry-Level Online Genetics Training for Clinicians
2:00 - 2:30 p.m. EDT
In partnership with ISCC-PEG and NCATS, the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston developed a series of free online genetic education modules that are accredited for up to 8.5 CE hours. Intended for practicing clinicians (not just physicians, but nurses, pharmacists, and other team members), these tiered modules feature short refreshers on basic genetic concepts and clinical scenarios or full-length cases where learners can practice making clinical decisions by applying genetic information. If you would like to learn more about genetics but never thought you had the time, this course is for you!
Special Limited-Time Promotion: The first 100 learners who take the course are eligible to earn up to $500 in gift cards. In this webinar, we will provide an overview of the course, demo some modules, and answer questions. Please join us!
- Priyanka Vaidya (on behalf of Siddharth K. Prakash, M.D., Ph.D.)
Associate Professor Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology
The University of Texas, McGovern Medical School
Host: NHGRI ISCC-PEG Adult Cardiovascular Genetics Project Group
Cardiovascular Genomics CertificateDid you know?
Healthcare Professionals' Genomics Education Week 2023 was attended by participants in 22 countries: Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Finland, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Peru, Qatar, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, and United States.

Last updated: July 11, 2023