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The NHGRI Office of Communications (OC) leads public communications about the research and programs supported by NHGRI. The OC oversees press interactions, news releases/features, social media, graphic design, videography, web development, history scholarship, events and more.  

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Commonly requested items

Genome.gov requests

The NHGRI website is the front door for our audience to learn more about the institute's pioneering genomics research and the people who make it happen. Our team creates web pages that are easy to use and makes information easy to find, whether on a desktop or mobile device.

Event support

The OC prioritizes accessibility in our communications through best practices and further increasing our efforts to achieve Section 508 compliance, especially in relation to virtual events. Our event guidance ensures that the information broadcasted from NHGRI public-facing events can benefit everyone, regardless of ability.

Social media

NHGRI participates in a variety of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and we're always looking for new opportunities. View our social media efforts, and submit a request if you have an idea or would like to discuss opportunities to highlight your work.

Press interactions

Forward all press inquiries directly to NHGRIpress@mail.nih.gov. Our job is to provide journalists with resources and background information about the institute and to facilitate in-depth interviews with our scientific staff and other experts. We work to ensure reporters get the science right, and to promote accurate and impactful stories about our work that are amplified across major news outlets and publications.


If you need to update your photo on the staff directory, we are now accepting images from recently released phones (e.g., one from 2020 or newer) due to their excellent photography software. Submit photos directly through the request form.

Templates and downloads

We provide templates and other materials for download, including customized PowerPoint presentations, stationary, event materials, scientific posters and email signatures. The New Employee Welcome Packet, desktop backgrounds and Zoom backgrounds are frequently downloaded materials, among others.

NHGRI logos and branding

Logos and other branding are signatures of the credibility that NHGRI staff have built over time. The consistent use of logos and branding across our communications and materials connects our efforts together and also with NHGRI. Our guidelines for use of the NHGRI logo and mantra are designed to maintain consistency.

Visual design guidelines

Through color, typography and imagery, we shape our stories and instantly convey who we are and our purpose at NHGRI. Like logos and branding, consistent color and typography across our communications create coherence. The OC creative team expertly develops and implements imagery, which engages our audience and communicates key information, such as scientific concepts and abstract ideas.


Common messages create consistency and familiarity when discussing NHGRI. The OC provides organizational messaging for your use in NHGRI communications materials. We also offer sample messages tailored for distinct audiences, both within and outside of the scientific community.

Last updated: March 20, 2024