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Content Formats
- Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression (dGTEx)1
- Multi-Omics for Health and Disease (Multi-Omics)1
- Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program7
- Genomics-Enabled Learning Health Systems (gLHS)2
- Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits1
- Genome Technology Program5
- Enhancing Opportunities in Computational Genomics and Data Science1
- Human Genome Reference Program (HGRP)3
- Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium3
- Advancing Genomic Medicine Research (AGMR)1
- Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project1
- Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC)1
- Clinical Genome (ClinGen) Resource1
- Genomic Innovator Awards2
- Polygenic RIsk MEthods in Diverse populations (PRIMED) Consortium1
- NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL)2
- Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare Diseases (GREGOR) Consortium2
Research Training
NHGRI T32 Frequently Asked Questions regarding preparing and submitting a new or renewal application.
November is Family Health History Awareness Month! To celebrate, the National Human Genome Research Institute will host several engagement events over social media on Wednesday, November 17.
News Release
Collaboration between NHGRI and the Smithsonian will continue educating visitors on the promise of genomics.
On October 29, 2021, NHGRI will host the Future Directions of the NHGRI Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL) workshop to identify gaps, challenges and future opportunities related to NHGRI’s investments in the AnVIL’s cloud-based infrastructure, tools and services.
Funding Opportunities
The NHGRI Genomic Innovator Awards support highly innovative work by early career genomics investigators who are part of consortia or other team-science efforts. All awardees work on critical, emerging topics in genomics. These awards recognize creative endeavors with great potential to accelerate future genomics research.
News Release
NIH will award $38.5 million over five years to the Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression (dGTEx) project, which aims to build a widely available resource of human developmental gene expression in a multitude of tissues for use in basic and clinical research.
News Release
NIH will renew three awards totaling $73.2 million over five years to continue building the Clinical Genome (ClinGen) resource, an effort to collect and archive information about clinically relevant genes and genomic variants for use in precision medicine.
News Release
The newly launched Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) consortium to include 30 U.S. sites.
The National Human Genome Research Institute will hold the 94th Meeting of National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research from September 13-14, 2021.
Policies and Guidance
For FY22, NHGRI’s extramural program will be operating under the NHGRI 2020 Strategic Vision.