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News Release
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) question advertisements by direct-to-consumer genetic ancestry kits that claim to know what it really means to be American Indian.
… at NHGRI question advertisements by direct-to-consumer genetic ancestry kits that claim to know what it really means to be … to Alaska in July of 2018 to give a talk on ethics and genetic ancestry tests, researchers and community members …
Lindsey Criswell, who became the director of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases in February, 2021 is also an associate investigator in NHGRI's Metabolic, Cardiovascular and Inflammatory Disease Genomics Branch.
… from the University of California, Berkeley; a D.Sc. in genetic epidemiology from the Netherlands Institute for … Inflammatory Disease Genomics Branch. … Lindsey Criswell, genetic risk factors, autoimmune disease, rheumatoid … complex (MHC), biological pathways, genetic ancestry, epigenetic factors … Lindsey Criswell, who became …
To prevent an emerging genomic technology from contributing to health disparities, a scientific team funded by the National Institutes of Health has devised new ways to improve a genetic testing method called a polygenic risk score.
… Improved genetic tests more accurately assess disease risk regardless of genetic ancestry. … To prevent an emerging genomic technology from …
Appropriate use of population descriptors in research is a critical scientific issue that is important for advancing genomic science and improving healthcare across human populations.
… three common population descriptors — race, ethnicity and genetic ancestry — which are often used to distinguish groups of … the public on the distinctions between race, ethnicity and genetic ancestry, and to advance the use of population …
About Genomics
Appropriate use of population descriptors in scientific research is critical for the advancement of genomic science and human health for all. 
… benefits, and challenges in using race, ethnicity, ancestry, and other population descriptors in genomics … population descriptors in genetics and genomics research … Genetic and genomic information has become far more accessible, and research using human genetic data has grown exponentially over the past decade. …
On November 8-9, 2023, NHGRI sponsored its 15th Genomic Medicine meeting, Genomic Medicine XV: Genomics and Population Screening, in Bethesda MD.  The following questions were answered during the meeting.
… not considering the scores in the context of non-genetic risk factors as a part of genetically informed risk … structural ramifications of screening based on race and/or genetic ancestry? Recognizing that genetic variants track imperfectly …
On January 25, 2023, the National Human Genome Research Institute will hold a roundtable on social and behavioral genomics.
… GWAS of educational attainment” by the Social Science Genetic Association Consortium   Problems with Using … Lucas J. Matthews   Social by Nature by Catherine Bliss   Genetic ancestry testing among white nationalists: From identity …
The Genomics Landscape
In April 6, 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., talks about how NHGRI will hold a symposium on National DNA Day, April 25, highlighting relevant and interesting topics in genomics and concluding with the annual Louise M. Slaughter National DNA Day Lecture.
… researchers sampled over 300 dogs to characterize their genetic ancestry and found large, complex families of dogs living in … provided the most fundamental knowledge about the human genetic blueprint and produced a framework of knowledge for …
The Genomics Landscape
In the August 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green introduces incoming NHGRI DEO Director, Jennifer Troyer.
… the best,   … Polygenic scoring accuracy varies across the genetic ancestry continuum Ding et al. Nature . 2023 … that, she worked as a senior scientist at NCI developing genetic and genomic technologies. Dr. Troyer completed a …
News Release
NIH researchers and collaborators have found that that sickle cell trait is prevalent among diverse human populations.
… and blood clots have only included individuals of African genetic ancestry and self-identified Black participants because of the incorrect assumption that the genetic carrier state only affects those who identify as …