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Questions and answers to help applicants responding to the ML/AI Tools to Advance Genomic Translational Research (MAGen) notice of funding opportunities (NOFOs): RFA-HG-24-004 and RFA-HG-24-005.
… EHR data should be well described including summary statistics and access to the datasets to allow their … to develop and cross-validate tools. The summary statistics should include sufficient details to assess the … enhance the prediction of how individuals with pathogenic genetic variants manifest disease—the goal of this NOFO—but …
Research Funding
In May 2020, the NIH Common Fund launched the Bridge to Artificial Intelligence (Bridge2AI) program to set the stage for the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI).
News Release
The Genomics and Society: Expanding the ELSI Universe conference focused on issues arising from the ethical, legal and social implications of genomic research.
… Communications and Public Liaison Branch … From prenatal genetic screening to the genetic testing of women with family histories of breast … ELSI topics will be presented by physicians, geneticists, genetic counselors, and social scientists and lawyers, in …
Research Funding
The N​on-Coding Variants Program explores which variants in a region associated with a disease or trait cause the higher risk for the disease or trait
… in the genome differ among those people. Some of these genetic variants are common, such as the variants for blood … of these variants are not necessarily known, but the genetic code provides a good starting point to predict how … Hacohen Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Non-coding genetic variants that impact immune phenotypes and diseases …
News Release
NIH issues a final Genomic Data Sharing policy to speed the translation of data into knowledge, improve health and protect patient privacy.
… future unspecified use of their genomic data." Along with statistics about the use of dbGaP data, the Nature Genetics …
Research Funding
This content map provides an overview of the Contacts by Research Area webpage. Use the drop-down menu to see the subtopics under each category.
Research Funding
Bioinformatics and computational biology are cross-cutting areas broadly relevant and fundamental across the entire spectrum of genomics.
… software and tools for identifying and interpreting genetic variation, elucidating the genetic architecture of human traits and disease, and … research efforts in computational genomics, data science, statistics, and bioinformatics relevant to one or both of …
News Release
NHGRI is awarding Genomic Innovator Awards to nine institutions to support the research of 12 early career scientists in the field of genomics. The awards will total up to $27 million over five years.
… Denver Develop efficient methods to improve the use of genetic summary data.    Billy Tsz Cheong Lau, Ph.D. Stanford …
On October 10, 2024, NHGRI hosted a pre-application webinar for the Population Genomic Screening in Primary Care NOFOs: RFA-HG-24-021, RFA-HG-24-022, and RFA-HG-24-023. These FAQs contain questions answered during that webinar.
… expected to do data cleaning that links clinical data with genetic data? Yes, in collaboration with the CGs and SeqC. … assigned to the CGs for the clinical data and SeqC for the genetic data. The CC will be responsible for linking the clinical data with the genetic data.   Will statistical resources be available …
News Release
NIH expands its Encyclopedia of DNA Elements Project, which is creating a fundamental genomics resource scientists to study human health and disease.