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News Release
NIH researchers have identified a treatment that significantly decreases the risk of stroke in children with a rare genetic disease called Deficiency of Adenosine Deaminase Type 2 (DADA2).
… of the walls of the blood vessels, hindering blood flow to the brain and resulting in strokes. The treatment … in the wals of the blood vessels, hindering blood flow to the brain and result in strokes. Image Credit: Darryl …
Genetic Disorders
Poland anomaly is an underdevelopment or absence of the chest muscle on one side of the body and webbing of the fingers of the hand on the same side.
… be caused by the forward growth of the ribs reducing the flow of blood. A malformation of the subclavian arteries … susceptibility to events such as interruption of blood flow that may predispose a person to the anomaly. Additional …
The Advances in Genomic Technology Development (AGTD) 2023 Annual Meeting was hosted by the Technology Development Coordinating Center (TDCC) in-person and virtually from Tuesday, June 6, until Thursday, June 8, at The Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine, La Jolla, CA.
… Ph.D. University of Washington 3:05 p.m. Going with the flow: Engineering an electroosmotic flow to transport unfolded proteins against an electroosmotic …
Genetic Disorders
Sickle cell disease is a group of inherited red blood cells disorders.
… name - sickle cell anemia. The sickle cells also block the flow of blood through vessels, resulting in lung tissue …
On February 16, 2023, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) held a follow-up working group consultation after the 14th Genomic Medicine meeting, Genomic Medicine XIV: Genomic Learning Healthcare Systems.
… (Econsults) are made through EHR (EPIC) though a work flow that integrates within the normal clinicalworkflow and …
Genetic Disorders
Prostate cancer is a disease where certain cells in the prostate become abnormal and multiply to form a tumor.
… beginning urination or even an inability to urinate. The flow of urine can start and stop, be weak, or create pain or …
Genetic Disorders
Familial hypercholesterolemia is an inherited condition causing increased low density lipoprotein cholesterol at birth and heart attacks at an early age.
… the arteries less flexible and more difficult for blood to flow leading to heart attack and stroke. The first step in …