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Fact Sheet
El consentimiento informado es más que un formulario; es un proceso. ¿Qué implica?
Fact Sheet
Genomic variation accounts for some of the differences among people, including important aspects of their health and susceptibility to diseases.
The Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG) held its ninth in-person meeting on February 25, 2020, in Bethesda, Maryland.
A polygenic risk score is one way by which people can learn what their risk of developing a disease is, based on the total number of genomics variants related to the disease.
About Genomics
Una introducción a los conceptos básicos en genómica para ayudarlo a comprender su genoma, cómo funciona y cómo afecta su salud.
For Teachers
The Your Genome & You infographic introduces the basics of genetics and genomics, and how the science impacts our lives.
NHGRI sponsored its 12th Genomic Medicine meeting, Genomic Medicine XII: Genomics and Risk Prediction on May 6-7, 2019.
News Release
Researchers identified 13 gene regions that influence cholesterol levels, some of which affected people differently if they are smokers or former smokers.
NHGRI will hold a workshop in September 2019 focused on Genomics in Medicine and Health.
News Release
Researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) have developed a new statistical model that can predict the risk for developing diseases by combining information about family member health and lifestyle factors from family members.