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Each clinical setting is unique. Strategies that will work in your environment can be used to design your interventions based on suggested options from the Champions.
Establishing stakeholder partnerships paves the way for developing an action plan for your clinical setting.
Contributors to the MINC toolkit
Assessing your own work environment is a starting point for deciding who will be involved, what is needed, and establishing a plan of action.
Genomics is relevant to the practice of all nurses.
The MINC Toolkit assists those interested in integrating genomics into practice.
MINC resources for educators
MINC resources for administrators.
News Release
NHGRI is awarding Genomic Innovator Awards to nine institutions to support the research of 12 early career scientists in the field of genomics. The awards will total up to $27 million over five years.
Un puntaje de riesgo poligénico es una forma en que las personas pueden conocer cuál es su riesgo de desarrollar una enfermedad, según el número total de variantes genómicas relacionadas con la enfermedad.