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For Teachers
Tools and resources for teaching the concepts of transcription and translation, two key steps in gene expression
… of transcription and translation, two key steps in gene expression . … Transcription is the process of making an RNA copy of a gene sequence. This copy, called a messenger RNA (mRNA) …
Virtual Exhibit
The Gene Sweepstakes — or GeneSweep as it became popularly known — was a three-year-long, sweepstakes-style contest organized by British bioinformatician Ewan Birney, Ph.D., of the European Bioinformatics Institute. Scientists participated in the contest by betting on the total number of protein-coding genes that would be identified in the human genome sequence generated by the Human Genome Project.
… Collins, M.D., Ph.D. included a section dedicated to the “Gene Sweepstake,” pointing out that the basis of GeneSweep … was scientifically unclear — that is, what exactly is a gene?   At a basic level, a gene is considered to be a region of the genome that codes …
Fact Sheets
A transcriptome is a collection of all the gene readouts present in a cell.
… A transcriptome is a collection of all the gene readouts present in a cell. … The human genome is made … words, copied - into RNA ( ribonucleic acid ) . These gene readouts are called transcripts, and a transcriptome is … determine the amount of gene activity - also called gene expression - in a certain cell or tissue type. In humans and …
Fact Sheets
Genetics refers to the study of genes and their roles in inheritance. Genomics refers to the study of all of a person's genes (the genome).
… … Understanding more about diseases caused by a single gene (using genetics) and complex diseases caused by multiple … and will be clones of the common ancestor bacterial cell. Gene cloning involves manipulations to make multiple identical copies of a single gene from the same ancestor gene. Cloning an organism means …
Fact Sheets
A biological pathway is a series of actions among molecules in a cell that leads to a certain product or a change in the cell.
… Other metabolic pathways actually help to build molecules. Gene-regulation pathways turn genes on and off. Such action … a certain product or a change in the cell. … Biochemistry, Gene Expression, Metabolism, Medication … A biological pathway is …
Fact Sheets
Genetic mapping offers evidence that a disease transmitted from parent to child is linked to one or more genes and clues about where a gene lies on a chromosome.
… and provides clues about which chromosome contains the gene and precisely where the gene lies on that chromosome. … Among the main goals of the … also provides clues about which chromosome contains the gene and precisely where the gene lies on that chromosome. …
Policy Issues
Scientific institutions are developing recommendations to support the responsible use of human gene-editing research.
… genome-editing research. … In light of recent advances in gene-editing research and technologies, the National … decision making for the responsible use of human gene-editing research. This initiative examined the clinical, ethical, legal and social implications of human gene editing. Their efforts included an  international summit …
Fact Sheets
Genome-wide association studies involve scanning markers across the genomes of many people to find genetic variations associated with a particular disease​.
… form of blindness is associated with variation in the gene for complement factor H, which produces a protein … Study, the Women's Health Initiative and the Candidate Gene Association Resource, which pools DNA samples collected … … Genome-Wide Association Studies, GWAS, DNA, Genome, Gene Expression, Gene Variation, Personalized Medicine, Gene
The Genomics Landscape
In the August 6, 2020 edition of The Genomics Landscape, Dr. Eric Green talks about NHGRI's completion of the third phase of the ENCODE Project and how it reveals the most extensive catalog to date of candidate functional elements that may regulate the genes in the human and mouse genomes.
… elements, which act as “switches” to regulate gene transcription. The ENCODE findings point to millions of … bind to DNA, and how RNA molecules interact to regulate gene expression. The results reported in the ENCODE 3 publications …
Fact Sheets
Genomics is the study of all of a person's genes (the genome), including interactions of those genes with each other and with the person's environment.
… the information needed to build the entire human body. A gene traditionally refers to the unit of DNA that carries the … Specifically, an enzyme copies the information in a gene's DNA into a molecule called messenger ribonucleic acid … of all the bases in a large piece of DNA such as a gene, researchers need to read the sequence of overlapping …