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Dr. Paul Liu is a senior investigator in NHGRI's Translational and Functional Genomics Branch.
… Liu's research over the years has been the mechanism of leukemia development at the molecular level, using genetic … a common chromosome abnormality in human acute myeloid leukemia. Using animal models, Dr. Liu has illustrated the importance of CBFB-MYH11 for leukemia development, and how this fusion gene works. His …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is transforming how we study, diagnose and treat cancer.
… diagnosed with a blood cancer called acute lymphoblastic leukemia (or ALL) in 2003, when he was in his fourth year of … This led him to specialize in treating patients with leukemia, and studying the disease in the laboratory. While … better results by Monday. After a number of weeks, the leukemia cells were no longer detectable in his blood, …
Fact Sheets
Genetics refers to the study of genes and their roles in inheritance. Genomics refers to the study of all of a person's genes (the genome).
… (Purinethol) to patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Some people have a genetic variant that interferes … of the treatment options for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia [] is stem cell transplantation therapy. …
Dr. Elisabeth F. Heuston is a molecular biology and bioinformatics Staff Scientist with the Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health (CRGGH).
… mechanisms across multiple subtypes of acute myeloid leukemia. In 2012, Dr. Heuston joined the laboratory of Dr. …
Dr. Raman Sood is an associate investigator in the Translational and Functional Genomics Branch and director of the Zebrafish Core at the National Human Genome Research Institute.
… that lead to leukemogenesis, particularly acute myeloid leukemia involving mutations or chromosomal rearrangements of … For studies aimed at understanding the process of leukemia development in patients with chromosomal … t(8:21) identifies patterns of clonal evolution in relapse leukemia . Leukemia 30: 501-504. 2016. Carrington B, Varshney …
Policy Issues
Genome editing is a method that lets scientists change the DNA of many organisms, including plants, bacteria, and animals.
… Layla received a gene editing treatment to help her fight leukemia, a type of cancer. These scientists did not use …
Fact Sheets
A biological pathway is a series of actions among molecules in a cell that leads to a certain product or a change in the cell.
… designed to treat a blood cancer called chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). CML occurs because of a single genetic glitch …
Fact Sheets
Chromosomes are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells.
… to serious problems. For example, in humans, one type of leukemia and some other cancers are caused by defective …
Dr. Jennifer Troyer is the director of NHGRI's Division of Extramural Operations.
… Johnson WE, O'Brien SJ. Genetic characterization of feline leukemia virus from Florida panthers. Emerg Infect Dis, …
Abdel Elkahloun is an associate investigator in NHGRI's Office of Scientific Core Facilities.