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41 - 50 of 180
Policy Issues
Las pruebas genéticas se están convirtiendo en algo más común en la práctica clínica.
Policy Issues
Most genetic tests today are not regulated, meaning that they go to market without any independent analysis to verify the claims of the seller.
Policy Issues
Hay leyes y políticas que sirven para proteger la privacidad de la información genómica de un individuo.
Policy Issues
En una decisión histórica en junio de 2013, el Tribunal Supremo determinó que el ADN en su forma natural no puede ser patentado.
Policy Issues
In June 2013, the Supreme Court determined that DNA in its natural form cannot be patented.
The Informed Consent Resource
Explore the basic elements of informed consent that are required by the Common Rule and that are relevant to genomics.
Policy Issues
El uso de seres humanos en las investigaciones biomédicas, clínicas y socioconductuales puede ofrecer entendimiento y descubrimientos que no pudieran obtenerse de ninguna otra manera.
Policy Issues
Revisions to the Common Rule modernize, simplify, and enhance oversight for human subjects research in the United States.
Policy Issues
Clinical research may yield new health-related information about volunteers who have chosen to participate in the studies.
Policy Issues
Federally-funded research with human participants must comply with regulations that protect the rights and welfare of the participants.