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Policy Issues
Federally-funded research with human participants must comply with regulations that protect the rights and welfare of the participants.
… sequencing of the human genome and identification of genetic markers for human diseases. While model organisms … in genomics research enables scientists to study human genetic variation, to identify the genetic underpinnings of … genetic information could raise questions around ancestry and family-ties that may disrupt the community …
Policy Issues
Clinical research may yield new health-related information about volunteers who have chosen to participate in the studies.
… IFs. … Currently, the only federal law regarding return of genetic IRRs and IFs is the  Clinical Laboratory Improvement … plays a currently ambiguous role regarding the return of genetic IRRs and IFs in non-CLIA certified labs. One HIPAA … that the dearth of data on populations of non-European ancestry makes predicting risk in these populations …
Fact Sheets
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the biological instructions that make each species unique.
About Genomics
Appropriate use of population descriptors in scientific research is critical for the advancement of genomic science and human health for all. 
… benefits, and challenges in using race, ethnicity, ancestry, and other population descriptors in genomics … population descriptors in genetics and genomics research … Genetic and genomic information has become far more accessible, and research using human genetic data has grown exponentially over the past decade. …
For Teachers
Lesson plan based on an award-winning DNA from the Beginning website, an animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes and heredity.
… for further study: Classical Genetics (basics) and Genetic Organization and Control (advanced level). This study … principal was DNA? Why did Avery identify a gene as the genetic molecule that transfers hereditary information and … the PROBLEM section: How would you describe two types of genetic mutations? How do the mutations change the protein …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is altering a genome with unparalleled efficiency and precision.
… step would be to  "edit" that genome  - perhaps to cure a genetic disease or to alter the a trait in a plant or animal. … Program Public Opinion Surveys: 2016 Pew Study 2016 Genetic Alliance UK 2017  Science  Magazine Policy Forum 2017 … Public Opinions Resources for Educators: Career Profile:  Genetic Engineer  |  Video National Center for Case Study …
Policy Issues
Revisions to the Common Rule modernize, simplify, and enhance oversight for human subjects research in the United States.
Appropriate use of population descriptors in research is a critical scientific issue that is important for advancing genomic science and improving healthcare across human populations.
… three common population descriptors — race, ethnicity and genetic ancestry — which are often used to distinguish groups of … the public on the distinctions between race, ethnicity and genetic ancestry, and to advance the use of population …
About Genomics
A introduction to basic concepts in genomics to help you understand your genome, how it works, and how it impacts your health.
… testing is for those who have a family member with a genetic disorder. The results help to determine a person’s … testing is used to confirm or rule out a suspected genetic disorder. The results of a diagnostic test may help … analyze your DNA and give information about your ancestry, kinship, lifestyle factors and potential disease …
Fact Sheet
Participation in genomics research is essential for improving the health of everyone.
… for their DNA to be used for research are from European ancestry, making many populations from across the globe … for all populations.   … Every human has some baseline genetic risk of developing a given disease. Extensive … for genomics research have been overwhelmingly of European ancestry, which creates gaps in knowledge about the genomes …