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The Informed Consent Resource
Explore genomics-relevant considerations for informed consent and guidance on how to approach them.
… seems too narrow, or if it seems highly unlikely that genetic or genomic analyses would have been anticipated, the … and undue pressure upon family members to enroll in genetic or genomic studies. The IRB should determine the … for these purposes to include any systematically computed statistics such as, but not limited to, genotype counts and …
Genomics Teaching Tool
An activity that demonstrates how DNA can be isolated from a strawberry using common household items.
Fact Sheets
El mapeo genético ofrece evidencias de que una enfermedad que se transmite de padres a hijos está ligada a uno o más genes y proporciona pistas sobre qué cromosoma contiene el gen y cuál es la ubicación exacta del gen en ese cromosoma.
Genomics 101
Find out how the rapidly emerging field of genomics is transforming our understanding of human health and enabling advances that benefit all of humankind.
… among learners in different communities. … The Glossary of Genetic Terms contains 100s of definitions and colorful …
National DNA Day commemorates the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the discovery of DNA's double helix in 1953.
Fact Sheet
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is an essential molecule that performs many roles in the cell, from carrying the instructions to make proteins to regulating genes.
… these molecules perform their unique roles. DNA is the genetic material for all life, usually existing in long … has the appropriate amount of each protein. … RNA can be genetic material While DNA is the genetic material for all life, some viruses use RNA as their …
About Genomics
February 15, 2021 marks the 20-year anniversary of publications reporting the draft human genome sequence.
… ever-dropping sequencing costs, improved diagnosis of genetic disorders and genomic analysis in standard clinical …
Fact Sheets
​Un estudio de asociación en todo el genoma es un enfoque que incluye el escaneo o búsqueda rápida de marcadores en todos los conjuntos completos de ADN​. ​
… y privado, la Red de Información de Asociación Genética ( Genetic Association Information Network , GAIN), para …
Policy Issues
Las pruebas genéticas se están convirtiendo en algo más común en la práctica clínica.
Fact Sheet
A fact sheet detailing how the project began and how it shaped the future of research and technology.