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15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is ending diagnostic odysseys for patients with rare diseases.
… approved by the FDA . The ability to read the human genome quickly and cheaply has led to substantial advances in … year or two. … Matt Might and his family provide one such genome sequencing story. Matt and his wife Cristina knew almost …
Policy Issues
Genetic information is used by law enforcement to investigate criminal acts and exonerate those who have been convicted of crimes they did not commit.
… single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that span the genome. In comparison, traditional profiling methods like …
Fact Sheet
A fact sheet detailing how the project began and how it shaped the future of research and technology.
… The human genome sequence generated by the Human Genome Project was actually a patchwork of multiple people … Harbor Laboratory) of the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, the group involved in generating the …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics helps us understand evolution and protect our biological ecosystems.
… ecosystems. … Did you know that the new methods for DNA sequencing have been used to read the genomes of tens of … it was  a hoax . In 2008, scientists determined the  genome sequence of the platypus . That study showed that the … living things that are present based on matches to known genome sequences. Metagenomics is important because …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is establishing more robust methods for DNA-based forensic analyses.
… were being used well before the completion of the Human Genome Project, but newer approaches are speeding up and … the scientific scenes. In the 0.1 percent of the human genome sequence that differs between people [see  Human … . … As new, more powerful technologies for amplifying and sequencing tiny amounts of DNA became available [see  DNA …
Educational Resources
NHGRI educates students, teachers and the public about genomics through outreach events and hands-on activities.
… The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) aims to educate students, … activities. … ​Community Outreach … The National Human Genome Research Institute educates students, teachers and the …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is helping us choose the right medication at the right dose for each patient.
… for each patient. … Did you know that the sequence of your genome can determine how you respond to certain medications? … or tailoring a person's medications based on their genome, would not be possible without sequencing the genomes of many people and comparing their …
For Teachers
The genetic timeline lesson plan gives students an historical perspective of the discoveries that led to our present understanding of the human genome.
… that led to our present understanding of the human genome. … Students will learn about scientists from many … to sort because it includes molecular techniques for sequencing they may not have covered in textbooks. Have … arise with the completion of the sequencing of the human genome. … Overview … Educational Objectives … Preparation and …
Fact Sheets
A DNA microarray is a tool used to determine whether the DNA from a particular individual contains a mutation in genes.
… chips, representing a very large portion of the human genome. Microarrays can also be used to study the extent to … related to those drugs.With the advent of new DNA sequencing technologies, some of the tests for which microarrays were used in the past now use DNA sequencing instead. But microarray tests still tend to be …
Fact Sheets
A transcriptome is a collection of all the gene readouts present in a cell.
… of all the gene readouts present in a cell. … The human genome is made up of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), a long, … may enable researchers to generate a comprehensive, genome-wide picture of what genes are active in which cells. … for a newly found gene's function. The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), which is part of the …