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15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Advances in genomics are reducing the cost of genome sequencing by a million-fold.
News Release
Genome: Unlocking Life's Code exhibition is going on tour after having completed a 14-month engagement at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is establishing more robust methods for DNA-based forensic analyses.
… loss of one of their repeats. At a specific place in the gene  TPOX , for example, there are a series of repeats of …
Policy Issues
In 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act was passed into law, prohibiting discrimination by employers and health insurers.
Fact Sheet
Genomic variation accounts for some of the differences among people, including important aspects of their health and susceptibility to diseases.
… health and disease (e.g., by disrupting the function of a gene that encodes an important protein). One of the most …
Policy Issues
The GINA is an important U.S. civil rights law that protects individuals from discrimination based on their genetic information.