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News Release
ENCODE program directors in the Division of Genome Sciences turned to Reddit to answer questions from the Reddit community.
… impact CRISPER is having, and am curious what kind of tool/technology is still missing that would improve/accelerate … at NIH and more information can be found on NHGRI's training page: … see Elise's response to username "NotAProgramAnalyst" for information about our Program Analyst program at NHGRI for …
Fact Sheets
A knockout mouse is a laboratory mouse in which researchers have inactivated an existing gene by replacing it or disrupting it with an artificial piece of DNA.
… the characteristics of knockout mice gives researchers information that can be used to better understand how a … for studying anxiety disorders. … While knockout mice technology represents a valuable research tool, some …
A list of high quality educational activities to engage students on DNA Day.
… Lesson Video Library from Massachusetts Institute of Technology View video lessons created by teachers on a number …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is transforming how we study, diagnose and treat cancer.
… by changes in your genome, but advances in DNA sequencing technology are leading to a new understanding of cancer and … n-of-1 " clinical trials, where doctors can gather enough information from just one patient to try a new therapy. Such … Providers: National Cancer Institute - PDQ Cancer Information Summaries City of Hope -   Cancer Genomics …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Advances in genomics are reducing the cost of genome sequencing by a million-fold.
… blocks in about a day and for about $1000? Leaps in technology since the Human Genome Project have enabled … to the International Space Station  itself . Adding this technology to the space station can bring the same advances … want to make your own DNA sequencer and improve existing technology even more? The first step could be a  DIY thermal …
Fact Sheets
Genetics refers to the study of genes and their roles in inheritance. Genomics refers to the study of all of a person's genes (the genome).
… Pharmacogenetics takes into account a person's genetic information regarding specific drug receptors and how drugs …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics helps us understand evolution and protect our biological ecosystems.
… important things about evolution. … Scientists can now use information about short stretches of DNA that are unique to … Life  or see international  barcoding  efforts. For more information about seafood, the FDA maintains  The Seafood …
For Teachers
The genetic timeline lesson plan gives students an historical perspective of the discoveries that led to our present understanding of the human genome.
… to verify findings of another. Relate the development of technology to scientific progress. … The genetic timeline … on the timeline. Ask your students how the development of technology affected the progress of the understanding of …
Educational Resource
A step-by-step printable guide for folding a transfer RNA (tRNA) paper model.
… PDB-101: Learn: Paper Models: tRNA [] For more information on tRNA see NHGRI’s Talking Glossary of Genomic …
Policy Issues
El uso de seres humanos en las investigaciones biomédicas, clínicas y socioconductuales puede ofrecer entendimiento y descubrimientos que no pudieran obtenerse de ninguna otra manera.
… Antidiscriminatoria sobre Información Genética ( Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act , GINA) les prohíbe a las …