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News Release
Researchers show critical association between diabetes and previously unlinked ZRANB3 gene.
… Prabarna Ganguly, Ph.D. … Researchers show critical association between diabetes and previously unlinked ZRANB3 … results for many of the variants which other research studies have already implicated in T2D in mostly European … populations. The work was funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), the National Institute of …
News Release
In a new large-scale genetic analysis, National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists have found set of small RNA molecules, called microRNAs, in human pancreatic cells that are strongly associated with type 2 diabetes.
… The study, led in part by scientists at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National Institutes of Health, will inform future studies on the early detection and treatment of diabetes. The … and senior author of the study. “The majority of prior studies have been in rodents or in islet-like groups of cells …
Dr. Randy Chandler is an associate investigator in the Organic Acid Research Section of the Metabolic Medicine Branch in NHGRI.
… Disease, Type C1. His preclinical proof-of-principal studies using MMA murine models have helped enable two … mRNA therapy and the other, AAV-mediated nuclease-free genome editing. In addition, he is a member of NCATS’s … gene therapy approaches, such as AAV gene delivery, genome editing, and mRNA therapy, to cure rare genetic …
News Release
National Institutes of Health researchers have discovered a specific network of proteins that is necessary to restore hearing in zebrafish through cell regeneration. The study may inform the development of treatments for hearing loss in humans.
… Burgess, Ph.D., senior investigator in the National Human Genome Research Institute’s (NHGRI) Translational and … had to look at the enhancer sequences within the zebrafish genome.   If transcription factors are thought of as the keys … The study, led by investigators at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), may inform the development …
Genetic Disorders
Velocardiofacial syndrome is the most common syndrome associated with a cleft palate.
… similar faces (elongated face, almond-shaped eyes, wide nose, small ears); eye problems; feeding problems that … that may only be found using more sophisticated lab studies such as comparative genomic hybridization, MLPA, additional FISH studies performed in a research laboratory or using specific …
Genetic Disorders
Antiphospholipid Syndrome is a disorder characterized by elevated levels of antibodies that are associated with clots in the arteries and veins.
… erythematosus (SLE) and other similar conditions. Later studies found a protein called the lupus anticoagulant in a … and certain autoimmune diseases have also been noted in association with APS. Pulmonary hypertension (high blood … of the uterus to its normal size). Thrombocytopenia An association with immune thrombocytopenia (low platelets) has …
For Patients and Families
A list of genetic, orphan and rare diseases under investigation by researchers at or associated with the National Human Genome Research Institute.
… by researchers at or associated with the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). … This list of genetic, … that carry genes). As we unlock the secrets of the human genome (the complete set of human genes), we are learning … by researchers at or associated with the National Human Genome Research Institute.​​ ​ … Genetic Disorder, Genetic …
News Release
NIH researchers compared a new genetic animal model of Down syndrome to the standard model and found the updated version to be enhanced.
… Development, senior investigator in the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Center for Precision Health … copy of over 200 protein-coding genes to that person’s genome, which causes difficulties with learning, speech and … standard for Down syndrome research, used in preclinical studies for nearly 30 years. Along with some successful …
News Release
National Institutes of Health researchers have published an assessment of 13 studies that took a genotype-first approach to patient care.
… of Health researchers have published an assessment of 13 studies that took a genotype-first approach to patient care. … Ph.D., a genetic counselor at the National Human Genome Research Institute’s (NHGRI) Reverse Phenotyping Core … more than 16,000 research participants who have undergone genome or exome sequencing. Exome and genome sequencing data …
Fact Sheet
Genomic data science is a field of study that enables researchers to use powerful computational and statistical methods to decode the functional information hidden in DNA sequences.
… ethical responsibilities, as information about a person's genome sequence is associated with complex issues related to … about how they will use and share the resulting genome-sequence data in the process of gaining such informed … must be educated about the implications of their studies and work closely with ethics researchers. … How do …