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News Release
In an article published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, researchers have found that words scientists use to describe populations have changed from 1949 to 2018.
… reveals that use of the term “race” has declined, while “ancestry” and “ethnicity” have increased. … National … use to describe human populations — such as race, ancestry, and ethnicity — significantly changed from 1949 to … as the terminology and concepts used to study human genetic variation continue to shift.” The researchers note …
Dr. Hanchard talks about his journey into genetics research, his collaborations with international researchers, and the importance of determination in science.
… and different forms of malnutrition, teasing apart the genetic contributions of these conditions. He also has projects studying how genetic heterogeneity influences the variable response to … Hanchard studies are more common in individuals of African ancestry. In fact, diversity is at the core of his research …
Careers and Training
Scientists and thousands of other professionals are using discoveries in genetics to revolutionize the world. This means careers in genetics and genomics are booming. And there are many other careers you don’t usually think of as science, like education, social work, and even law and the arts that are affected by this growth, creating even more career opportunities.
… comprehensive laboratory, diagnostic, management, and genetic counseling services for patients with, or at risk for, genetically influenced health problems. Genetic counselor Genetic counselors are professionals with education in …
On October 25-29, 2022, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the ASHG Annual Meeting - the world's largest human genetics and genomics meeting and exposition.
… Complex Traits Quantification of race, ethnicity, and genetic ancestry disparities in anti-hypertensive drug efficacy in … Exhibit Hall 3:00 p.m. — 4:45 p.m. Mendelian Phenotypes Genetic analysis reveals that GNE Myopathy remains an …
Policy Issues
The 9 steps a bill can go through before becoming a law, using the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 as an example.
… can go through before becoming a law.  The history of the  Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act  (GINA), a law that … a bill can go through before becoming a law, using the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 as an … a bill can go through before becoming a law, using the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 as an …
Healthcare Provider Education Resources
An online repository of peer-reviewed collections of genomics educational materials for genetic counselors, nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, and physicians.
… collections of genomics educational materials for genetic counselors, nurses, pharmacists, physician … collections of genomics educational materials for genetic counselors, nurses, pharmacists, physician … collections of genomics educational materials for genetic counselors, nurses, pharmacists, physician …
The National Museum of African American History and Culture presented an insightful conversation about advancements in genetic research and its implications for ​understanding race.
… presents an insightful conversation about advancements in genetic research and its implications for ​understanding … presented an insightful conversation about advancements in genetic research and its implications for ​understanding …
Media Advisory
On January 25, 2023, the National Human Genome Research Institute will host a virtual roundtable to discuss social and behavioral genetics and genomics, including their benefits, limitations and potential for misuse.
… community must consider whether the misappropriation of genetic evidence has played any role in mass casualty events …
News Release
NHGRI researchers are increasingly using artificial intelligence tools to answer compelling questions in genomics, such as predicting rare genetic disorders and their severity, and to understand how genomic information influences decision-making.
… sophisticated technologies to diagnose, monitor and treat genetic conditions. Artificial intelligence tools , which … , find disease-causing genomic variants and identify genetic disorders by examining people’s faces .  Researchers … compelling questions in genomics, such as predicting rare genetic disorders and their severity, and to understand how …
Media Advisory
NHGRI will host a two-day symposium addressing historical and present-day constructions of disability and ableism, with a focus on the history and lived experiences of people with disabilities in the context of genomics and genetics.