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News Release
John Ohab, Ph.D., a neuroscientist and science communicator, has been named chief NHGRI's Communications and Public Liaison Branch.
… providing the first secure web environment for internal communication and collaboration among NRL scientists and … tools within medicine will continue to demand strong communication and information dissemination across the …
The National Human Genome Research Institute is proposing a reorganization of the Division of Policy, Communications and Education.
… the areas of bioethics, policy, education, engagement and communication.  Notice of the proposed reorganization  was … reorganization, bioethics, policy, education, engagement, communication … The National Human Genome Research Institute …
Organizational Structure
NHGRI office leading communications about the genomics research and programs supported by the institute.
… helps equip people with knowledge that can help to advance scientific research and health care; inform better … of contact for all news media requests, inquiries from the scientific community, and questions from the general public. …
Talking Glossary
Scientific racism is a historical pattern of ideologies that generate pseudo-scientific racist beliefs.
Scientific Racism … Scientific racism. Scientific racism is a historical pattern of ideologies that generate pseudo-scientific racist beliefs. … Scientific racism. Scientific
Fact Sheet
Eugenics is the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding,”
… myths and combat modern-day manifestations of eugenics and scientific racism, particularly as they affect people of … individuals. … What is NHGRI doing to address eugenics and scientific racism? When the HGP began in 1990, there was … of genomics, including the legacies of eugenics and scientific racism in the context of new and emerging genetic …
Office of Communications
A quarterly newsletter from NHGRI's Office of Communications.
Sarah Bates is the chief of the NHGRI Office of Communications.
Talking Glossary
Scientific racism is a historical pattern of ideologies that generate pseudo-scientific racist beliefs.
… Racismo Científico … Scientific racism. Scientific racism is a historical pattern of ideologies that generate pseudo-scientific racist beliefs. … Scientific racism. Scientific
The Genomics Landscape
In the October 2021 issue of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., introduces us to new scientific director Charles Rotimi, Ph.D., his background and prior accomplishments.
… physician scientist Dan Kastner, the outgoing NHGRI scientific director ( see story below ). The article … Charles Rotimi, Ph.D., will take the helm as the NHGRI scientific director and leader of the NHGRI Intramural … in research participants and in the international scientific workforce. His expertise in the unique genomic …
Dr. Chris Gunter is a senior advisor to the NHGRI director on genomics engagement.
… of Alabama Huntsville and Birmingham, and providing scientific content for multiple audiences. After serving as … Stanford University to study how scientists participate in scientific conferences, and whether public discussion of the … Dr. Gunter coordinated genetics activities and science communication, working with researchers and the public to …