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The Genomics Landscape
In the July 7, 2022 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., emphasizes the importance of the Technology Transfer Office and its mission to manage all the legal negotiations that help to protect federally funded research from being unduly exploited, while also giving that research avenues to reach patients through the commercialization of promising advances.
The National Human Genome Research Institute and its partners are organizing a social media campaign from June 7-11, 2021, that focuses on healthcare provider genomics education.
GenomeEd is a free repository of high-quality genomics educational resources for group instruction or self-directed learning by healthcare professionals and educators.
Talking Glossary
Un síndrome, en lo que se relaciona con la genética, es un grupo de rasgos o afecciones que tienden a ocurrir juntas y caracterizan una enfermedad reconocible.
Educational Resources
A syndrome is a collection of recognizable traits or abnormalities that tend to occur together and are associated with a specific disease.
Talking Glossary
La susceptibilidad, en cuanto a la genética, se refiere al estado de tener predisposición o estar sensible a desarrollar una determinada enfermedad.
Educational Resources
Susceptibility is a condition of the body that increases the likelihood that the individual will develop a particular disease.
Talking Glossary
La sustitución, en lo que se relaciona a la genómica, es un tipo de mutación en la que un nucleótido es reemplazado por un nucleótido diferente.
Educational Resources
Substitution is a type of mutation where one base pair is replaced by a different base pair.
Talking Glossary
Un codón de terminación es una secuencia de tres nucleótidos (un trinucleótido) en el DNA o el ARN mensajero (ARNm) que señaliza una parada en la síntesis proteica de la célula.