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Fact Sheet
Gene therapy for sickle cell disease is available to you through FDA-approved therapies and through clinical trials.
News Release
Using a virtual reality buffet, researchers studied the hundreds of small decisions mothers make while selecting food for their children.
… food choices, the researchers determined why receiving information about their children's genomic risk of obesity … and her collaborators are exploring the impact of genomic information on decision-making and behavior, and seeking the most effective ways to deliver genomic information. In the study, 221 overweight or obese mothers …
Dr. Joan Bailey-Wilson, who retired in September 2022, looks back on her 42-year career as a scientist and reflects on the rapid growth of the genomics field.
News Release
Researchers have discovered that FGF21 is elevated in mice with liver disease that mimics the same condition in patients with methylmalonic acidemia.
… Genomics and Metabolic Genetics Branch. "We can use this information today to ensure that patients with MMA are …
News Release
LabGenius, a space-age ballpoint pen embedded with a tiny camera, can record the researcher's every stroke and scribble in the laboratory.
… doctoral student in genomics, he expected to see advanced technology in the laboratory. Alongside the advanced lab …
Research at NHGRI
NHGRI researchers work with patients and families to understand of how genes influence disease and develop more effective diagnostics and treatments.
… Equipped with the power of genomic information and state-of-the art resources available at the … how patients respond to receiving state-of-the-art genetic information, and follow up analysis on the impact of …
Clinical Research
A study where both genotypic (individual genetics) and phenotypic (individual disease characteristics) patient data would be analyzed using advanced data-analytics programs to derive meaningful associations for the development of prevention, management and treatment strategies.
… at the NIH Clinical Center in early 2019. For more information, see  Protocol 19-HG-0059  or … needed. We ask to be kept up to date with any new medical information while patients are at home during the year. It is … confidential. Any collaborators only receive deidentified information. If I develop leukemia and require a bone marrow …
Clinical Research
The goal of this study is to learn more about the genetic contributions to the severity of disease of COVID-19.
… to the severity of COVID-19. We hope to use this information to develop therapies that reduce the severity of … may be eligible to join. We will use the clinical information and samples of people who test positive for our … please refer to the For NIH Employees section  below. All information shared with us will be coded. We will not return …
The Division of Intramural Research (DIR) sponsors a monthly series of talks by intramural and special guest speakers celebrating genetics and genomics research.
… public. Seminar titles and other details are updated as information becomes available. For more information, please contact Dr. Daphne Bell at …
Research at NHGRI
The Social and Behavioral Research Branch conducts research to apply genomic discoveries to improve health and clinical care.
… We also evaluate approaches for communicating genomic information to patients and clients that optimize health … services, and in patient responses to broad genomic information. In this work, we apply innovative technologies … leverage social influence to improve knowledge of genomic information and engagement in risk-reducing behaviors. We …