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News Release
In a new large-scale genetic analysis, National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists have found set of small RNA molecules, called microRNAs, in human pancreatic cells that are strongly associated with type 2 diabetes.
… the largest sequenced-based analysis of microRNA expression in human pancreatic islets to date,” said Francis … set the stage for understanding how microRNAs fine-tune gene expression in pancreatic islets and its implications for … set the stage for understanding how microRNAs fine-tune gene expression in pancreatic islets and its implications for …
Binta Jalloh is a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health (CRGGH).
… Cancer Institute’s Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression doing single molecule tracking to understand the … of transcription factors important for regulating gene expression in live budding yeast. Her primary role in …
William J. Pavan, Ph.D. is the chief of NHGRI's Genetic Disease Research Branch.
… model systems to decipher genome function and to dissect gene regulatory pathways in development and disease. His … model systems to discover genome function and to dissect gene regulatory pathways in development and disease. The main … modeling studies demonstrated that neuronal-targeted expression of NPC1 rescued neurodegenerative disease, …
Research at NHGRI
The Metabolic, Cardiovascular and Inflammatory Disease Genomics Branch studies the genomic and social determinants of complex diseases.
… genomic and social determinants; their effects on gene expression; as well as their contribution to health … on cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality and on gene expression among disproportionately affected …
On November 1-5, 2023, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the ASHG Annual Meeting - the world's largest human genetics and genomics meeting and exposition.  The annual meeting provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge science in all areas of human genetics. 
… transporter as a regulator of the CLEAR gene network PB3384 Reuben M Buckley eQTL analysis of canine testes identifies gene expression patterns associated with canine body size. PB1092 …
Dr. Andy Baxevanis is a senior scientist leading NHGRI's Computational Genomics Unit.
… systems such as the eye — found evidence of co-localized expression of both photoprotein and opsin genes in developing … genomes contain a surprising number of human disease gene homologs despite their evolutionarily distant position … similar to the mechanism used by humans, both relying on a gene called Tfap2 but at different life stages. This is the …
News Release
Receiving a cancer diagnosis can feel like losing control of everything.
… the cell's machinery know when to activate or inactivate a gene. In healthy cells, these flags are correctly placed and … chemical groups, which act like on/off switches for a gene, are incorrectly added to many places on the cell's DNA. … CIMP for short. "When the chemical flags are placed on the gene inappropriately, the cell can lose its natural defenses, …
Abdel Elkahloun is an associate investigator in NHGRI's Office of Scientific Core Facilities.
… looking at the characterizing of either the global expression profiles or genes sets to use as framework for … of Mental Health); Dr. Kleinman (first temporal global gene expression across the human life span in normal and … in a cross comparative and integrative analysis of global gene expression profile, Dr. Elkahloun was able to show that …
Research at NHGRI
The Division of Intramural Research conducts scientific studies in NHGRI's labs on and around the NIH campus in Bethesda, Md.
… of DNA microarray technologies for large-scale analyses of gene expression; creation of innovative computational tools for …
News Release
NHGRI researchers, collaborators at the University of California (UC) San Diego, UC Davis and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine lay out a new framework for comparing dog-to-human aging, one that uses epigenetics as a biological marker to better understand the aging process.
… means to study such a progression involves epigenetics -- gene expression changes caused by factors other than the DNA … attached to particular DNA sequences, usually parts of a gene. Attaching to these DNA regions effectively turns the …