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Dr. Wilson is the co-chief of and senior investigator in NHGRI's Computational and Statistical Genomics Branch.
… Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) and the International Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES). He has served on the … His research interests focus on the identification of genetic effects that may be responsible for phenotypic … the statistical properties of newly developed methods of genetic analysis for quantitative traits. … The overarching …
Dr. Guanjie Chen is a senior research fellow with the NHGRI's Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health.
… M.D. from Wuhan University, China, in 1985, and an M.S. in Statistics from the University of Memphis, Tenn., in 1999. … and an assistant professor (2002-2008) in the Division of Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Community Medicine, … Health as a senior research fellow. His interests include genetic epidemiology, genetic statistics, and statistical …
Dr. Bailey-Wilson is a scientist emeritus in NHGRI's Division of Intramural Research.
… 1995. Her research program focuses on understanding the genetic factors that increase risk for various complex … Dr. Bailey-Wilson specializes in statistical genetics and genetic epidemiology and is especially interested in risk … Panel for the National Institute of Justice and the Genetic Analysis Workshop Advisory Board. She also served as …
The Journeys in Human Genetics and Genomics Colloquium is part of a training partnership between ASHG and NHGRI to showcase the depth and breadth of exciting scientific, clinical, and societal elements of human genetics and genomics at an introductory level as well as to illustrate the myriad associated career opportunities.
Dr. Ellen Sidransky is a pediatrician and clinical geneticist in the Medical Genetics Branch at the National Human Genome Research Institute.
… mechanisms, and to tackle the challenge of identifying genetic modifiers. Although GD is classically divided into … clinical genetics, Gaucher disease, Parkinson disease, genetic disorder … Ellen Sidransky, clinical genetics, Gaucher disease, Parkinson disease, genetic disorder … Dr. Ellen Sidransky is a pediatrician and …
Katie Lewis is a genetic counselor in the NHGRI Genomic Services Research Program (GSRP).
… Katie L. Lewis, Sc.M., C.G.C. … Katie Lewis is a genetic counselor in the Genomic Services Research Program (GSRP). She got her degree in genetic counseling from the Johns Hopkins University/National … and Related Disorders. She has worked at the NIH as a genetic counselor for eight years. Katie does research on …
Dr. William A. Gahl is a senior investigator in the Medical Genetics Branch and the director of the NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program.
… of rare metabolic disorders and the discovery of new genetic diseases. He elucidated the basic defects in … bleeding, and pulmonary fibrosis. His lab discovered the genetic bases of gray platelet syndrome, Hartnup disease, … in the section has been to discover the causes of genetic diseases. Over the years, section members have …
Julie Sapp is a genetic counselor in the NHGRI in the Genomic Services Research Program (GSRP).
… multi-disciplinary research team where she draws upon her genetic counseling training and over a decade of behavioral … questions related to the practice of clinical genomics and genetic counseling.  Her work in this area has included … behavioral constructs such as the psychosocial impact of genetic disease, patient attitudes and beliefs, …
Dr. Michael Erdos is an Associate Investigator in the Molecular Genetics Section of the Center for Precision Health Research.
… on translational research determining the effect of genetic variation on gene function and identifying primary … process for FDA approval. In the context of complex genetic disease, Dr. Erdos is using multi-omics analyses to … Type 2 Diabetes (AMP-T2D) consortium. … The application of genetic, genomic and functional biology approaches are …
Dr. Merideth is a staff clinician in the Office of the Clinical Director and program director for both the NHGRI Medical Biochemical Genetics Fellowship and NHGRI Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fellowship.
… at NHGRI, where she sees patients with a variety of genetic and metabolic disorders, providing care in both … include expanding the phenotype for rare diseases and genetic syndromes. She is also active in residency education … , Introne WJ, Wang JA, O'Brien KJ, Huizing M, Gochuico BR. Genetic variants associated with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome .  …