Search Results

51 - 60 of 99
For Patients and Families
​Genetic tests may be used to identify increased risks of health problems, to choose treatments, or to assess responses to treatments.
For Patients and Families
Genetic professionals provide information and support to individuals or families who have genetic disorders or may be at risk for inherited conditions.
For Patients and Families
​Clinical research is research conducted with human subjects, or material of human origin, in which the researcher directly interacts with human subjects.
For Patients and Families
An adult has an "undiagnosed condition" when a physician is unable to find a diagnosis for certain characteristics or symptoms.
For Patients and Families
A child has an "undiagnosed condition" when a physician is unable to find a diagnosis for certain characteristics or symptoms.
Fact Sheets
Genomics is the study of all of a person's genes (the genome), including interactions of those genes with each other and with the person's environment.
Fact Sheets
A biological pathway is a series of actions among molecules in a cell that leads to a certain product or a change in the cell.
Fact Sheets
La secuenciación del ADN les informa a los científicos la clase de información genética que se transporta en un segmento específico de ADN. ​
Fact Sheets
La genómica comparada es un campo de la investigación biológica en el que los investigadores usan una variedad de herramientas para comparar las secuencias del genoma completo de distintas especies. ​
Fact Sheets
Las pruebas de detección sistemática para recién nacidos en los Estados Unidos han sido un éxito importante para la salud pública que ha salvado innumerables vidas. ​