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Answers to frequently asked questions on how the NHGRI receives and uses its funding.
For Patients and Families
​Genetic research is creating new ways for people to take action and prevent disease and new ways to treat disease through personalized medicine.​ ​
For Patients and Families
​Genetic tests may be used to identify increased risks of health problems, to choose treatments, or to assess responses to treatments.
For Patients and Families
Genetic professionals provide information and support to individuals or families who have genetic disorders or may be at risk for inherited conditions.
For Patients and Families
​Clinical research is research conducted with human subjects, or material of human origin, in which the researcher directly interacts with human subjects.
For Patients and Families
An adult has an "undiagnosed condition" when a physician is unable to find a diagnosis for certain characteristics or symptoms.
For Patients and Families
A child has an "undiagnosed condition" when a physician is unable to find a diagnosis for certain characteristics or symptoms.
News and Events
A collection of institute resources, background information, and points of contact for members of the press.
Fact Sheet
Several regulations and policies stipulate the information that must be given to research participants prior to their enrolling in a study.
Policy Issues
NHGRI wants to ensure that all populations benefit from the advances of genomics research.