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- Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression (dGTEx)1
- Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program2
- Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits1
- Genome Technology Program1
- Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium1
- Clinical Genome (ClinGen) Resource1
- Polygenic RIsk MEthods in Diverse populations (PRIMED) Consortium1
- Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare Diseases (GREGOR) Consortium2
For Patients and Families
Clinical research is research conducted with human subjects, or material of human origin, in which the researcher directly interacts with human subjects.
… the fundamental mechanisms of inherited and acquired genetic disorders. … Clinical research is research conducted … researchers may be able to determine the specific genetic mutations (changes in gene sequence) that caused the … the fundamental mechanisms of inherited and acquired genetic disorders. Their goals include both discovering the …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is fostering an appreciation for what our DNA means for our health, identities and culture.
… is for? Let's say that one of your parents learns from a genetic test that they have Huntington's disease , which is … life. This gives you a 50-50 chance of carrying the same genetic mutation for this fatal neurological disease . Some … person's DNA. In 2008, President Bush signed into law the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (or GINA for …
Fact Sheets
Chromosomes are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells.
… … Chromosomes, X Chromosome, Y Chromosome, Sex, Gender, Genetic Disease, Genes … Chromosomes are thread-like …
15 examples of how genomics has and continues to transform our world in myriad ways.
… Testing, Enhanced Forensics, Genome Editing, Prenatal Genetic Testing, Rare Genetic Diseases … 15 examples of how genomics has and …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is empowering farmers to improve the food supply.
… Genomics Kurzgesagt: In a Nutshell - Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food GMO Answers Infographics …
Fact Sheets
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the biological instructions that make each species unique.
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is altering a genome with unparalleled efficiency and precision.
… step would be to "edit" that genome - perhaps to cure a genetic disease or to alter the a trait in a plant or animal. … Program Public Opinion Surveys: 2016 Pew Study 2016 Genetic Alliance UK 2017 Science Magazine Policy Forum 2017 … Public Opinions Resources for Educators: Career Profile: Genetic Engineer | Video National Center for Case Study …
Fact Sheet
Eugenics is the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding,”
… complex diseases and disorders were solely the outcome of genetic inheritance. The implementation of eugenics … bioethicists were aware of how past eugenic movements used genetic information to ostracize historically marginalized … of revolutionary advances in medicine, anatomy and statistics during the 18th and 19th centuries. Charles …
Fact Sheet
Genomic research has been central to understanding and combating the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic.
… PCR tests use primers that match a segment of the virus’s genetic material. This allows many copies of that material to … not contain any virus or that there is too little viral genetic material in the sample to be detected. … How does … dyes to the PCR process to measure the amount of genetic material in a sample. In this instance, healthcare …
15 Ways Genomics Influences Our World
Genomics is establishing more robust methods for DNA-based forensic analyses.