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For Patients and Families
A list of genetic, orphan and rare diseases under investigation by researchers at or associated with the National Human Genome Research Institute.
Policy Issues
Most genetic tests today are not regulated, meaning that they go to market without any independent analysis to verify the claims of the seller.
… criteria, adapted from the National Library of Medicine's  Genetics Home Reference . Analytical Validity: Refers to how … whether a specific genetic variant is present or absent? Clinical Validity: Refers to how well the genetic variant(s) … of having a disease or eventually developing a disease? Clinical Utility: Refers to whether the test can provide …
Genetic Disorders
Inborn errors of metabolism are disorders that cause a block in a metabolic pathway leading to clinically significant consequences.
Policy Issues
Payers such as insurance companies and Medicare need systematic ways of evaluating genetic tests for reimbursement.
… … Genomic medicine has the capacity to revolutionize clinical practice. The mapping of the human genome has … Tests and Services  (HHS Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society) An Evidence Framework for … Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine) Another issue where genetics intersects with health insurance is  genetic …
Genetic Disorders
Cri du chat syndrome is a rare genetic condition that is caused by the deletion of genetic material on the the p arm of chromosome 5.
… syndrome vary among individuals. The variability of the clinical symptoms and developmental delays may be related to the size of the deletion of the 5p arm. The clinical symptoms of cri du chat syndrome usually include a … the hospital at birth. A health care provider may note the clinical symptoms associated with the condition. The cat-like …
Policy Issues
In 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act was passed into law, prohibiting discrimination by employers and health insurers.
… Many Americans wonder if participating in genetics research or undergoing genetic testing will lead to … for why or why not patients decide to take genetics-based clinical tests or volunteer to participate in the research … Act of 2008, Public Law 110-223 . … GINA and Clinical Research GINA has implications for individuals …
Genetic Disorders
Tay-Sachs disease is a fatal genetic disorder that results in progressive destruction of the nervous system.
… Disease NINDS: Tay-Sachs Disease Information Page Genetics Home Reference: Tay-Sachs disease GARD: Tay-Sachs …
Policy Issues
Clinical research may yield new health-related information about volunteers who have chosen to participate in the studies.
… When conducting clinical research studies, scientists may discover new … that a study participant in an investigation of the genetics of heart disease possesses a gene variant related to … law regarding return of genetic IRRs and IFs is the  Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) , …
Genetic Disorders
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in both kidneys.
… of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases MedlinePlus Genetics Home Reference PKD Foundation American Kidney Fund …
Genetic Disorders
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disorder that causes a person's bones to break easily, often from little or no apparent trauma.
… of OI is made on the basis of family history and/or clinical presentation. Frequent fractures, short stature, a … and 95 percent, respectively, of individuals with the clinical diagnosis of OI. Normal biochemical and molecular … COL1A2 . Additional Resources on Osteogenesis Imperfecta Genetics Home Reference: Osteogenesis imperfecta Medline …