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Policy Issues
Most genetic tests today are not regulated, meaning that they go to market without any independent analysis to verify the claims of the seller.
… As the field of genomics advances, genetic and genomic tests are becoming more common in, and out of, the clinic. Yet most genetic tests today are not regulated, meaning that they go … Regulation Of Genetic Tests, Genetic Testing, 23andMe, Ancestry, Health Information From Genetic Testing … Most …
Policy Issues
Payers such as insurance companies and Medicare need systematic ways of evaluating genetic tests for reimbursement.
… For patients to have full access to the benefits of genetic testing, payers such as insurance companies and Medicare need systematic ways of evaluating genetic tests for reimbursement. … Genomic medicine has the … of the human genome has created new opportunities for genetic tests to predict, prevent and treat disease. Tests …
Policy Issues
In 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act was passed into law, prohibiting discrimination by employers and health insurers.
… wonder if participating in genetics research or undergoing genetic testing will lead to being discriminated against … and cures. This page provides an overview of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) and … what protections GINA does and does not offer. … The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008 …
Research Funding
Building upon a foundation of quantitative genetics laid over a century ago, applying modern genomic approaches to resolve how genetic and non-genetic factors shape variation in human diseases and traits.
… about how to identify and interpret the interplay of genetic and non-genetic factors on trait variation. These issues have … association studies (GWAS) reveal differences in apparent genetic effects across families and populations with …
Policy Issues
Patients with genetic disorders and members of the public have diverse about germline genome editing.
… Patients with genetic disorders and members of the public, both in the … germline genome editing should be used to prevent or treat genetic disorders. … Patients, patient advocates, and families of patients with genetic disorders have diverse views on whether germline …
Research Funding
Fosters basic and applied research on the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic and genomic research. ​
… the generation, interpretation, understanding and use of genetic and genomic information and associated technologies. … that arise in connection with the design and conduct of genetic and genomic research.   Genomic Healthcare These projects may examine issues that arise as genetic and genomic research are integrated into clinical …
Research Funding
The Genomic Variation Program supports large-scale studies of human genetic variation.
… in the sequence of DNA among individuals are called genetic variation. Genomic variation explains some of the … same chromosome. The program also seeks to relate there genetic variants to functional variation and phenotype. The … Variation Program supports large-scale studies of human genetic variation as part of projects such as the …
Research Funding
ClinGen will advance genomics in clinical care and improve our understanding of phenotypic and functional effects of genetic variants and their clinical value.
… the lack of openly accessible knowledge bases that capture genetic variants, their phenotypic and functional effects and … in diverse populations as it relates to interpreting genetic test results. Lastly, ClinGen will disseminate the … efforts in the establishment of standards in the use of ancestry and diversity information in clinical genomics and …
Research Funding
The PAGE Consortium investigates ancestrally diverse populations to gain a better understanding of how genetic factors influence susceptibility to disease.
… Genome-wide association studies have identified many genetic variants related to disease and have highlighted the … ). The first phase of PAGE examined putative causal genetic variants across approximately 100,000 African … efforts entirely on approximately 50,000 non-European ancestry individuals to better characterize how genetic …
Policy Issues
The 9 steps a bill can go through before becoming a law, using the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 as an example.
… can go through before becoming a law.  The history of the  Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act  (GINA), a law that … a bill can go through before becoming a law, using the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 as an … a bill can go through before becoming a law, using the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 as an …