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Policy Issues
Synthetic biology is a field of science that involves redesigning organisms for useful purposes by engineering them to have new abilities.
Policy Issues
Payers such as insurance companies and Medicare need systematic ways of evaluating genetic tests for reimbursement.
Policy Issues
The Genome Statute and Legislation Database is comprised of state statutes and bills introduced during U.S. state legislative sessions.
About Genomics
NHGRI considers the ethical, legal and social aspect of genomics research in our work, including these key policy issues
The Informed Consent Resource
Explore genomics-relevant considerations for informed consent and guidance on how to approach them.
Policy Issues
Participating in genomics research is an opportunity to support exploration of the genome and help scientists understand, prevent, detect and treat disease.
Policy Issues
Participar en una investigación genómica es una oportunidad para apoyar la exploración científica del genoma.
Policy Issues
Es esencial que los derechos e intereses de los participantes se respeten durante todo el proceso de la investigación.
On April 25, 2024, National DNA Day, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will welcome a new statue, “The Ladder,” celebrating DNA and children.
Policy Issues
Informed consent shows respect for personal autonomy and is an important ethical requirement in research.