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Policy Issues
Most genetic tests today are not regulated, meaning that they go to market without any independent analysis to verify the claims of the seller.
… As the field of genomics advances, genetic and genomic tests are becoming more common in, and out of, the clinic. Yet most genetic tests today are not regulated, meaning that they go … claims of the seller. … Several federal agencies regulate genetic tests: the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the …
Policy Issues
Payers such as insurance companies and Medicare need systematic ways of evaluating genetic tests for reimbursement.
… For patients to have full access to the benefits of genetic testing, payers such as insurance companies and Medicare need systematic ways of evaluating genetic tests for reimbursement. … Genomic medicine has the … of the human genome has created new opportunities for genetic tests to predict, prevent and treat disease. Tests …
Policy Issues
In 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act was passed into law, prohibiting discrimination by employers and health insurers.
… wonder if participating in genetics research or undergoing genetic testing will lead to being discriminated against … and cures. This page provides an overview of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) and … what protections GINA does and does not offer. … The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008 …
On November 16-17, 2023, the National Human Genome Institute will co-sponsor a workshop, Advances in the Genetic Architecture of Complex Human Traits, to take a historically grounded and forward-looking approach towards dissecting the genetic architecture of complex traits in humans.
… and dynamic processes in general that may mediate genetic effects on traits?   Advances in sequencing … or theoretically, for scalable approaches to map genetic effects on higher-order compositions of cells: … Biology, Department of Integrative Biology, Department of Statistics University of California, Berkeley   Nivard, …
NHGRI is hosting a workshop - Identifying Research Priorities to Accelerate genetic Diagnosis - on April 16-17, 2024.
… - Break 4:10 PM – Session 5: Computational Tools to Enable Genetic Diagnoses Moderator: Chris Wellington, NHGRI 4:10 PM … much work remains to advance our understanding of the genetic cause of Mendelian conditions and to increase the … Drive … Identifying Research Priorities to Accelerate Genetic Diagnosis … NHGRI is hosting a workshop - Identifying …
NHGRI hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the Investigator-Initiated Research on Genetic Counseling Processes and Practices Request for Applications (RFA-HG-20-048 and RFA-HG-20-049).
… an overview of the Investigator-Initiated Research on Genetic Counseling Processes and Practices Request for … … Online … Webinar for Investigator-Initiated Research on Genetic Counseling Processes and Practices Request for … an overview of the Investigator-Initiated Research on Genetic Counseling Processes and Practices Request for …
Policy Issues
Patients with genetic disorders and members of the public have diverse about germline genome editing.
… Patients with genetic disorders and members of the public, both in the … germline genome editing should be used to prevent or treat genetic disorders. … Patients, patient advocates, and families of patients with genetic disorders have diverse views on whether germline …
Policy Issues
The 9 steps a bill can go through before becoming a law, using the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 as an example.
… can go through before becoming a law.  The history of the  Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act  (GINA), a law that … a bill can go through before becoming a law, using the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 as an … a bill can go through before becoming a law, using the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 as an …
Policy Issues
Genetic information is used by law enforcement to investigate criminal acts and exonerate those who have been convicted of crimes they did not commit.
… Technological advances have made genetic and genomic tools faster, cheaper and more compatible with limited or older samples. Today, genetic information is used by law enforcement to investigate criminal acts. The legal system also uses genetic information to exonerate those who have been …
Several NIH Institutes, Offices and Centers partnered to host a two-day virtual workshop on May 28-29, 2024, to further explore the recommendations from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) 2023 report, Using Population Descriptors in Genetics and Genomics Research: A New Framework for an Evolving Field, with regards to legacy genomic data. 
… to harmonization, interoperability and analysis, including genetic similarity;   Address challenges and identify …