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Genetic Disorders
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency is a severe, genetic condition of the immune system.
… known from news stories and a movie in the 1980s about David, the Boy in the Bubble, who was born without a working … infections by viruses, bacteria and fungi. Because David's brother had died of the disease, doctors immediately … He lived in such isolators for nearly 13 years. David died in 1984 following an unsuccessful bone marrow …
Virtual Exhibit
The Gene Sweepstakes — or GeneSweep as it became popularly known — was a three-year-long, sweepstakes-style contest organized by British bioinformatician Ewan Birney, Ph.D., of the European Bioinformatics Institute. Scientists participated in the contest by betting on the total number of protein-coding genes that would be identified in the human genome sequence generated by the Human Genome Project.
… “Well, that's my book, and I I think we should keep it.” David Stewart here is much cleverer, and he's got it at Cold …