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Research Funding
The ELSI Publications and Products Database organizes publications for ELSI projects and activities by the last name of the principle investigator.
… term - related to an ELSI issue, (i.e., discrimination, genetic testing or privacy) The name of the author The name … Legal Issues In Genetics, Social Issues In Genetics, Genetic Discrimination, … The ELSI Publications and Products …
Research Funding
NHGRI aims to establish a research Consortium, ML/AI Tools to Advance Genomic Translational Research (MAGen), to collaboratively explore the feasibility of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools that can enhance the accuracy and precision of predicting how individuals with pathogenic genetic variants manifest disease.
… precision of predicting how individuals with pathogenic genetic variants manifest disease. The ML/AI tools will … precision of predicting how individuals with pathogenic genetic variants manifest disease. … NHGRI aims to establish … precision of predicting how individuals with pathogenic genetic variants manifest disease. … Research Funding …
Research Funding
The centers define the state-of-the-art study designs and methods to find variants and genes underlying Mendelian disorders.
… Mendelian disorders. … The discovery of the genes and genetic variants that underlie human Mendelian disorders is … involve similar genes, pathways, and phenotypes. While the genetic basis of more than 5,000 Mendelian disorders has been … so far, many more Mendelian disorders and their underlying genetic basis have yet to be discovered. Recent advances in …
Research Funding
A collaborative large-scale genome sequencing effort to identify rare risk and protective variants contributing to multiple common disease phenotypes.
… disease phenotypes. ​ … Genome Sequence, Gene Variants, Genetic Risk, Common Disease, Rare Disease, Dna Sequencing, …
About Genomics
An interactive timeline listing key moments from the history of the project.
… Project gave us the ability to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for a human. This interactive timeline … Huntingdon's disease, neurofibromatosis and other genetic disorders. More Francis Collins' Statement in … ahead of schedule. The goals include creating detailed genetic and physical maps, developing efficient strategies …
Research Funding
Polygenic RIsk MEthods in Diverse populations (PRIMED) Consortium will work together to develop and implement approaches to integrating extant genotype and phenotype data for the purpose of conducting and disseminating Consortium-wide PRS analyses.
… (PRS) Methods and Analysis for Populations of Diverse Ancestry — Study Sites University of Southern California** … Schaid Polygenic Risk of Disease in Populations of Diverse Ancestry UNC-Chapel Hill Yun Li*, Alexander Reiner, Nancy Cox … Across the Life-Span in Populations of Diverse Ancestry University of California, Los Angeles Bogdan …
Research Funding
NHGRI is initiating a new program-the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium to develop a framework for systematically understanding the effects of genomic variation on genome function and how these effects shape phenotypes.
… Brigham and Women's Hospital Predicting the impact of genetic variants, genes and pathways on human disease … modeling of the functional and phenotypic impacts of genetic variants HG012064 Anshul Kundaje Stanford University … their target genes in cis and in trans by combining multi-ancestry genome-wide association studies with CRISPR …
Research Funding
A list of current and previous Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science (CEGS) grant awards.
… perturbations. However, genome sequencing and clinical genetic testing have far outpaced our ability to understand … an array of technologies to map the effects of genetic variants on molecular and cellular phenotypes, and … a relatively large number of admixed individuals who carry ancestry from outside their self-identified race. The All of …
Research Funding
The IGNITE PTN supports a network of multi-site clinical groups involving diverse settings and populations to conduct two pragmatic clinical trials of genomic medicine interventions.
… the effect of returning apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1) genetic risk information to hypertensive African ancestry patients and their primary care providers on … are no funding opportunities at this time. … Overview … Genetic Testing to Understand and Address Renal Disease …
Research Funding
The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Project will create a resource that researchers can use to study how inherited changes in genes lead to common diseases
… on behalf of GTEx. Until now, no project has analyzed genetic variation and expression in as many tissues in such a …