Search Results

71 - 75 of 75
Research Funding
The N​on-Coding Variants Program explores which variants in a region associated with a disease or trait cause the higher risk for the disease or trait
Research Funding
The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Project will create a resource that researchers can use to study how inherited changes in genes lead to common diseases
Research Funding
​The Undiagnosed Diseases Network accelerates discovery and innovation in how we diagnose and treat patients with previously undiagnosed diseases.
Research Funding
Polygenic RIsk MEthods in Diverse populations (PRIMED) Consortium will work together to develop and implement approaches to integrating extant genotype and phenotype data for the purpose of conducting and disseminating Consortium-wide PRS analyses.
NHGRI's ELSI Research Program hosted two webinars on the needs and resources to increase the reach, impact and transparency of ELSI research.