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On October 13, 2022, NHGRI holds The Human Genome Reference Program (HGRP) Planning Meeting – The Future of HGRP at the Bethesda Marriott Hotel.
NHGRI hosts a webinar to provide an overview of the the Entry-Level Modules (ELM) for Training the Genomics Research Workforce (R25-Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PAR-23-123) funding opportunity.
The National Human Genome Research Institute will hold the 100th Meeting of National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research on September 18-19, 2023.
The National Human Genome Research Institute will hold the 99th Meeting of National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research on May 15, 2023.
The Genomics Landscape
In the February 2, 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., talks about the new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy and how it emphasizes the importance of good data management practices.
On February 15, 2023, The Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG) will hold its 12th annual meeting.
On November 8-9, 2023, NHGRI sponsored its 15th Genomic Medicine meeting, Genomic Medicine XV: Genomics and Population Screening, in Bethesda MD.
The Advances in Genomic Technology Development (AGTD) 2023 Annual Meeting was hosted by the Technology Development Coordinating Center (TDCC) in-person and virtually from Tuesday, June 6, until Thursday, June 8, at The Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine, La Jolla, CA.
The Genomics Landscape
In the August 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green introduces incoming NHGRI DEO Director, Jennifer Troyer.
News Release
NHGRI has created a new publicly available digital archive and search aid for accessing documents related to the Human Genome Project and the history of genomics.