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The National Human Genome Research Institute is hosting a seminar, "Genomics, Imaging and AI - three technologies that are changing biological research through to clinical practice," on January 10, 2023. Dr. Ewan Birney is the guest speaker.
… that are changing biological research through to clinical practice ." Over the last two decades, three major … touching on both fundamental biological discoveries and clinical applications. Lastly, he will provide perspective … that are changing biological research through to clinical practice," on January 10, 2023. Dr. Ewan Birney is …
NHGRI and George Mason University's Institute for Digital InnovAtion co-host the Computational Genomics Conference, on Wednesday, April 28, 2021.
NHGRI's History of Genomics Program will host a one-day conference to explore and celebrate the work of David Depew on July 29, 2021.
… Iowa, was among the first philosophers and historians of genetics to also address some of the fundamental legacies of …