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- Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression (dGTEx)1
- Multi-Omics for Health and Disease (Multi-Omics)1
- Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program7
- Genomics-Enabled Learning Health Systems (gLHS)2
- Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits1
- Genome Technology Program5
- Enhancing Opportunities in Computational Genomics and Data Science1
- Human Genome Reference Program (HGRP)3
- Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium3
- Advancing Genomic Medicine Research (AGMR)1
- Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project1
- Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC)1
- Clinical Genome (ClinGen) Resource1
- Genomic Innovator Awards2
- Polygenic RIsk MEthods in Diverse populations (PRIMED) Consortium1
- NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL)2
- Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare Diseases (GREGOR) Consortium2
The National Human Genome Research Institute is hosting a seminar, "Genomics, Imaging and AI - three technologies that are changing biological research through to clinical practice," on January 10, 2023. Dr. Ewan Birney is the guest speaker.
NHGRI will host a pre-application webinar for the Human Genome Reference Program (HGRP) Informatics Tools for the Pangenome Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
On October 13, 2022, NHGRI holds The Human Genome Reference Program (HGRP) Planning Meeting – The Future of HGRP at the Bethesda Marriott Hotel.
October 1, 2015 marked the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Human Genome Project. To commemorate this anniversary, NHGRI hosted a seminar series.
The Genomics and Health Disparities Lecture Series was formed to enhance opportunities for dialogue about how innovations in genomics research and technology can impact health disparities. Topics will range from basic science to translational research.
Research Funding
The GREGoR (formerly the Mendelian Genomics Research Consortium) is aimed at significantly increasing the proportion of Mendelian disorders with an identified genetic cause through enhanced data sharing, collaboration and an increased focus on the application of new technologies, sequencing strategies and analytical approaches.
NHGRI is hosting a workshop - Identifying Research Priorities to Accelerate genetic Diagnosis - on April 16-17, 2024.
On January 8, 2025 at 2:00 PM ET, NHGRI held a pre-application webinar about the Informatics Tools for the Pangenome Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) for potential applicants: RFA-HG-25-007, PAR-25-308 and PAR-25-309.