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The Excellence in Clinical Research Seminar Series is designed to facilitate clinical research in the rare disease space with a focus on aspects of regulatory medicine and clinical trials in Mendelian disorders.
… The Excellence in Clinical Research Seminar Series is designed to facilitate clinical research in the rare disease space with a focus on … clinical research with the underlying theme that genetics is both a diagnostic and therapeutic specialty.   …
The National Human Genome Research Institute is hosting a seminar, "Genomics, Imaging and AI - three technologies that are changing biological research through to clinical practice," on January 10, 2023. Dr. Ewan Birney is the guest speaker.
… that are changing biological research through to clinical practice ." Over the last two decades, three major … touching on both fundamental biological discoveries and clinical applications. Lastly, he will provide perspective … that are changing biological research through to clinical practice," on January 10, 2023. Dr. Ewan Birney is …
NHGRI will host a director's research seminar by Matt Hurles, Director of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute on October 30, 2023.
Genomics Teaching Tool
An activity that demonstrates how DNA can be isolated from a strawberry using common household items.
A 10-part seminar series in 2021 that focuses on the “Bold Predictions for Human Genomics by 2030” that are described in NHGRI’s “Strategic Vision for Improving Human Health at the Forefront of Genomics.”
… will have transitioned from boutique to mainstream in all clinical settings, making genomic testing as routine as … 16, 2021, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Bold Prediction #7: The clinical relevance of all encountered genomic variants will …                   Gillian Hooker, Ph.D., ScM, LCGC Concert Genetics Moderator: Sarah Bates, M.S. NHGRI Session 9 …
On November 18, 2021, NHGRI will host an NIH Genomics and Health Disparities Special Interest Group lecture, "NIH Approach to Inclusive Excellence - The COSWD Viewpoint" by Marie A. Bernard, M.D.
… that ensures appropriate inclusion of individuals in clinical studies, including by sex/gender, race/ethnicity, … national leadership in geriatrics research, teaching, and clinical practice has been recognized by the Clark Tibbits …
News Release
NHGRI and other NIH institutes recently participated in the high-energy science communications contest called the Three-minute Talk.