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Recurso educativo
Instrucciones paso a paso y papel con pliegues para imprimir incluidos en el documento para descargar.
Educational Resources
Step-by-step instructions and printable folding paper included in the downloadable document.
Join us on Wednesday, May 25, as scholars and scientists answer audience questions and address the complexities surrounding historical and present-day eugenics and scientific racism in the context of existing and developing genetic and genomic screening technologies.
Genomics Teaching Tool
An activity that demonstrates how DNA can be isolated from a strawberry using common household items.
Data sharing has been a central tenet of the field of genomics since the Human Genome Project.
The National Museum of African American History and Culture presented an insightful conversation about advancements in genetic research and its implications for ​understanding race.
NHGRI is hosting a pre-application webinar on September 9, 2020 for the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) program funding opportunity announcements (FOAs).
NHGRI is hosting a pre-application webinar on September 3, 2020 for the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) program funding opportunity announcements (FOAs).
News Release
NHGRI and other NIH institutes recently participated in the high-energy science communications contest called the Three-minute Talk.
October 1, 2015 marked the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Human Genome Project. To commemorate this anniversary, NHGRI hosted a seminar series.