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The Your Genome & You infographic introduces the basics of genetics and genomics, and how the science impacts our lives.
… health and supports your health decisions GENOME is just a fancy word for all your DNA Your GENOME contains all the instructions … sunlight or nature) affects your genome. We are learning new things about the human genome every day. Developed by the …
An infographic that explains why it was so difficult to fully complete the human genome sequence.
… the human genome sequence? The Human Genome Project ended in 2003, but genomic researchers had not yet determined every … 92% of the sequence at that time. Why did they stop there? A woman sees an incomplete human genome sequence, with A, C, … place. Over the past two decades, researchers developed new technologies to read longer stretches of DNA - from only …
The Genomics and Health Disparities Lecture Series was formed to enhance opportunities for dialogue about how innovations in genomics research and technology can impact health disparities. Topics will range from basic science to translational research.
…   View recorded videos in the YouTube playlist … Video Recordings … Contact … … Lecture Series was formed to enhance opportunities for dialogue about how innovations in genomics research and … In-Person: NIH Building 31C, 6th Floor Conference Room A … MD … 31 Center Drive … Genomics and Health Disparities …
As part of the tenth anniversary of the National Human Genome Research Institute’s (NHGRI) History of Genomics Program, members from The Amaral Lab from Northwestern University will present a virtual lecture on how they have used the program’s archive to better understand how a major funding institute like NHGRI has helped shape genomics.
… the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has a rich archive of hundreds of thousands of scanned physical … community. However, the wealth of data is overwhelming for human eyes. So, for the last two years, machine learning … experts have been exploring this dynamic dataset to reveal new knowledge and insights into the development of genomics.  …
The Journeys in Human Genetics and Genomics Colloquium is part of a training partnership between ASHG and NHGRI to showcase the depth and breadth of exciting scientific, clinical, and societal elements of human genetics and genomics at an introductory level as well as to illustrate the myriad associated career opportunities.
… The Journeys in Human Genetics and Genomics Colloquium is part of a training partnership between the American Society of Human …
Lectures series that increases understanding of genomics in the scholarly community and presents contemporary research of immediate interest to NHGRI staff.
… Resources … The NHGRI History of Molecular Biology and Genomics Lecture Series emerged out of the Capturing the … of Genomics workshop with the explicit purpose of bringing in talented and well-known historians, sociologists and … series is to increase the understanding of genomics in the scholarly community and to present contemporary …
Among the 24 chromosomes that make up the human genome, the Y chromosome is unique for its highly repetitive structure. Scientists are studying the Y and its unusual features to better understand human health and disease.
… that make up the human genome, the Y chromosome is unique for its highly repetitive structure. Scientists are studying … and disease.     11 Neat Facts About the Y chromosome In the nucleus of each cell, DNA packaged in thread-like … .   In fertilization, sperm can contribute either an X or a Y chromosome, while eggs always contribute an X chromosome. …
NHGRI commemorates the life and legacy of genomics champion Representative Louise M. Slaughter (D-N.Y.), who passed away in March 2018, by naming an annual National DNA Day lecture at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in her honor.
… Louis M. Slaughter was a strong advocate for genomics research, and her work on the … also responsible for passing a 2003 concurrent resolution in the House of Representatives that created National DNA …
Annual scientific lecture honoring NHGRI's founding scientific director, Jeffrey M. Trent, Ph.D.
… at 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET Todd Golub, M.D., director and a founding core member of the Broad Institute of MIT and … the basis of cancer. He also pioneered the development of new cell-based approaches to drug discovery for cancer and other diseases. Golub is also the Charles A. …
The X chromosome is part of sexual development and many other biological processes, including how some cats get their distinctive coat colors.
… coat colors.     … 10 Neat Facts About the X Chromosome   In the nucleus of a human cell, each DNA molecule is packaged into a long, … called autosomes .    The X and Y chromosomes are central for the process of sexual development, but other genes …